"K... Kochiya-san?" For a few moments, Youmu wasn't entirely certain how to react. After seeing all the pain and destruction that had clearly been wrought here, the last thing she expected was an even slightly familiar face. The half-phantom didn't even know the Moriya Shrine's miko particularly well, but at the very least she'd met her more than once. That was more then she could say for most of people she'd run into so far. The unfamiliar atmosphere was all somewhat overwhelming for Youmu. She'd never seen this many people with serious injuries, let alone the actual dead bodies she'd seen outside. The next familiar face that showed up was more confusing then anything. "Scarlet-san?!" Youmu couldn't help but exclaim at that point. Of all the people she could have possibly expected to see, that certainly wasn't one of them. The Mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion wasn't exactly the sort of person who was commonly seen wandering around in random locations. "... Er..." The half-phantom took a deep breath. She had to compose herself and handle this seriously. The only other remotely familiar figure was what appeared to be some kind of oni, a tall, silvery-haired woman wearing extremely unfamiliar clothing. But was she an oni in the first place? Was that a tail? "Kochiya-san, Anne-san said you could explain what was going on," Youmu began after a few moments of hesitation, "Where are we? What happened to all of these people?" Something truly terrible had occurred, and this didn't look like anywhere in Gensokyo. She had to know. Meanwhile, as Lily and the Knight kept watch over the injured, girl that they'd managed to recover from the debris was stirring. As she sat up, her breathing still somewhat heavy, her eyes travelled across her surroundings for a few moments before settling on Saria. "You... you were the one who carried me back, weren't you?" she asked after a moment's pause, "Thank you, I was out of it so I wasn't sure at first. I'm Raya, my father is-" She paused for a moment, her eyes drifting downwards. "W... was, the leader of this town..." [@Raineh Daze][@Drifting Pollen][@EchoWolff][@DracoLunaris][@Lugubrious][@Izurich][@PKMNB0Y]