[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5494758][img]https://i.imgur.com/9BCGgou.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][h3]--??? - Town Outskirts--[/h3][/center] As the Scarlet Devil trekked through the forest under the pouring rain alongside the Toa of Air and the Knight Witch, while the two petite individuals were overwhelmingly towered over by Lewa, unfortunately, his hands were busy escorting Elaine and her baby and thus, as much as Remilia wished he could use his impressive bulk to shelter her instead, she knew where their priorities should lie. Well, at least Rayne provided a much-needed distraction, better to focus her mind on more important matters than this damnable downpour, [color=d9457c][b]"Considering Sanae arrived here first even though we hailed from the same land, I'm confident that for one reason or another, I was a late arrival."[/b][/color] The lilac-haired vampiress pretty much confirmed the snow-haired halfling's inquiry, [color=d9457c][b]"I see... how peculiar."[/b][/color] Remilia slowly rubbed her chin, pondering over the Knight Witch's revelation regarding the possible reason [i]why[/i] this 'incident' happened in the first place. [color=d9457c][i]Raven Heralds... were they those corpses that I found myself in the middle of? It sounds plausible. As for this... 'goddess', Lavielle, she said, I do not recognize the name, so, does this mean it's not Kanako, nor Suwako's doing after all? Which means, my hypothesis that Sanae and the Moriya Shrine being the culprit is unlikely to be accurate.[/i][/color] If indeed there was a foreign deity capable of abducting those protected within the Great Hakurei Barrier, either this Lavielle was even more powerful than Yukari - the de facto God of Gensoyko - [i]or[/i] that damned mischievous overgod allowed it, Remilia wasn't sure which possibility was worse than the other. Regardless, one thing could be confirmed as fact, that they were all here now, individuals of all walks of life and origins, pulled into this foreign world from their respective home realms. [color=d9457c][b]"So it seems, Lady Rayne, we're all abducted here, and if your story is proven to be true, by this Lavielle deity. To save them? Heh... well, that at least explains her choice of abductees, I suppose."[/b][/color] As for the rest of the trip, while Remilia would normally prefer to experience an interesting event or two, her current condition dictated otherwise, not to mention the helpless civilians with them. .......... ..... ... [center][h3]--??? - Hunter's Lodge--[/h3][/center] Arriving at the village, the trio plus their escorts were led inside the Hunter's Lodge by a curious individual, a tall woman of imposing physique with long maroon brown hair and fierce emerald eyes. Though she definitely looked worse for wear, even from a cursory glance, Remilia could tell that she was a fighter, likely one of the combat-capable individuals called here by the goddess to deliver them from the Raven Heralds. A potential ally in their quest to return to their respective homes? Quite likely, but proper pleasantries could be exchanged later, right now, there's a shrine maiden she ought to... courteously socialize with. While Lewa handled the return of Elaine and her child to Marcus, Remilia took note of the injured humans - victims of the raid - and how they appeared to be stable for the most part, and alongside them, more of her "kind", as in abductees from other worlds; a tall female oni(?) with long ashen hair and a presence as intimidating as the maroon-haired human, a dark-haired male human with a silently observant gaze wearing stylish apparel, and an albino human child with soft verdant eyes. None of them appeared to be in a critical condition, [color=d9457c][i]Sanae's work it seems, well, her and anyone else who may be capable of healing.[/i][/color] With that in mind, Remilia decided that there weren’t any on-going emergencies, she could attend to them later, for now, answers. Turning toward the distinctive combination of long green hair, serpentine and amphibian hair accessories, and miko outfit, Remilia finally located the wayward shrine maiden, but in a stroke of rather pleasant surprise, [i]another[/i] as well... [color=d9457c][b]”Well, well, well, who do we have here~?”[/b][/color] Being perfectly honest, while the Scarlet Devil expected another Gensokyan abductee other than Sanae and herself, the Half-Phantom Gardener of the Netherworld Princess was [i]not[/i] really high on the list, she'd have preferred someone more personal; Flan, Sakuya, Patchouli, Meiling, and hell, even Marisa, but she figured expecting some kind of pattern would be asking too much from the kidnapper goddess. At least, she had now confirmed with her very own eyes that Sanae was here, and Youmu too, she supposed. [color=d9457c][b]"Hmm~? What is the matter, o' scions of the Moriya Shrine and the White Jade Tower, are you - perhaps - not expecting my presence here?"[/b][/color] Seeing familiar faces, with both of them being individuals whom Remilia saw as being many centuries her junior, tempted the Scarlet Devil to revel in her sense of seniority for a bit, [color=d9457c][b]"Why yes, tis' I, Remilia of House Scarlet, Mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, in the flesh."[/b][/color] She curtsied for a moment before her wings flapped once as she shifted into a sitting pose mid-air, as if she was seated on an invisible throne, one clasped hand held against her chin, [color=d9457c][b]"I've promised Lady Rayne and Sir Lewa that I'd assist you in caring for the injured so do make this quick, Sanae,"[/b][/color] The vampiress spoke, her otherwise regal tone carrying signs of frustration and desperation bubbling just underneath the surface, [color=d9457c][b]"What do you know about the goddess Lavielle? Why were we - out of countless others - chosen? And last but certainly [i]not[/i] least, [i]how[/i] do we return home?"[/b][/color] [@DracoLunaris] [@Lugubrious] [@PKMNB0Y] [@VitaVitaAR] [@Drifting Pollen] [@Raineh Daze] [@EchoWolff]