[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjEwNi4xY2FmMDUuVkdobElFWnNaV1YwLjA,/karedoks-demo.regular.webp[/img][/center] [color=FFF0F5][h2]The Ship That Fights Above Its Weight Class:[/h2][/color][hr][hr] [hider=The Traveler] [center]Pluto Class Frigate – USS TRAVELER [img]https://i.imgur.com/YqguB1N.jpg[/img] ​ ​ Confirmed Kills:​ 1 Cruisers​ 15 destroyers​ 35 Frigates​ 307 Corvette, Gunship, and Fighter Crafts​ These confirmed kills are marked on the sides of the ship near the bridge. On the left side, the cruisers and destroyers are painted, cruisers on top, and the right side of the ship are the markings for destroyers and smaller ships of the line, destroyers on top. Her lone Cruiser kill was against the Phantom, a pirate flagship that plagued the outer arm of the galaxy. As such, the Traveler has a bounty against her hull and can expect to draw attention from the pirate crews everywhere she flies. DIMENSIONS: -179 Meters in length -90 Meters in width -77 Meter in height. CREW COMPLEMENT -75 ARMAMENT AND OTHER FEATURES -Sixteen PDW Auto-Cannons. -Two Bow Railguns. -Sixteen 130mm cannons in eight dual mounts. -Long-range sensor suite. -Shuttle Bay. -SL, HQR and WFP Drive. HISTORY The USS Traveler was one of the first Pluto class frigates built in the year 3008. At the time it was one of the most advanced ships in the Empire fleet as well as one of the most robust. While it could not go toe to toe with most contemporary cruisers of the time, empire or otherwise, it was more than capable of facing off with the smaller ships of the line. Shortly after commission, it was pressed into action as the Galactic War kicked off. During the five-year war, the Traveler participated in numerous battles and served in a support role. After the war, she was used in the initial suppression campaign. She protected supply ships heading to the conquered worlds and even entered the atmosphere to bring her guns to bear on a defensive line. After the war, and suppression campaign, the Traveler was used in an anti-pirate fleet role in the outer arms. Here she made a name for herself as she was instrumental in the eradication of numerous pirate ships, and even the feared Phantom. In the last few decades, the Travelers role was limited and saw almost no action. Recently, it was upgraded and assigned to a new, more logistic, focused role. Currently, the crew is made up of the following: OFFICER CORE: Every empire ship is usually filled with a crew complement that has a focus on redundancy. This is very much apparent when it comes to the officer core. While they are not masters of each aspect of running a ship, the officer core is trained to do everything to a good standard. Each one has been certified on the various shuttle platforms that their ship can hold and will be required to recertify before embarking on a new craft. Each officer would also have a solid understanding of medical triage, ship communication platforms and suites, and security protocols. While they are not masters of each subsection, they are more than capable of pitching in should the need arise. One Captain - One Second in command/Security officer - One Medical officer - Two Pilots - MARINE CORE: Every Empire ship also carries a complement of Marines. Marines form the fighting backbone of the empire on land and in space. They are trained to utilize and manage all the different forms of ship weaponry, and like the officers will need to recertify before embarking on a new platform. They can be expected to also learn various, squad-level, roles to better serve the fighting force. This can be medical, shuttle piloting, and ground-level command abilities. Marines are also very capable in a fire fight. While the Empire prefers to steer clear of a fight planet side, it does happen, and as such every Marine can handle their own in a fight. 24 Marines (doubles as ship gunners) - 1 Navigation/Communication Specialist - 15 engineers 20 support staff [/center][/hider]