[center][h2]Kochiya Sanae[/h2][h3]??? — Hunter's Lodge[/h3][/center] Upon hearing that Anne—who she [i]presumed[/i] to be the woman who had escorted the kids here whose name she had not yet actually gotten proper—had directed any questions to [i]her[/i], Sanae opened her mouth in an attempt to protest before deciding to simply sigh and deal with the newcomers' questions as best she could. It was hard to refuse a request when the older woman was going to look after the kids, and given how she [i]actually[/i] knew the newcomers better than the others (or, well, at all, really), it made sense to have her fill them in. Didn't make it any less awkward, though. "Um... So, uh... Where do I begin...?" the green-haired girl mused out loud, bringing one hand to her chin before shrugging her shoulders. "Okay. So. This is [i]definitely[/i] another world of [i]some[/i] variety. The way those soldiers—Raven Heralds, they were called?—were equipped isn't anything like the military equipment of the Outside World. We're long since past the era of swords and shields, after all, so that'd be my guess as to [i]where[/i] we are. As for what happened..." It took a moment for Sanae to recall the events that led up to her transportation to the church, what with her ind having been focused on helping people, but given how it wasn't actually that long ago, that much seemed straightforward. "I don't know what everyone else was doing, but I was seeing off the last few visitors to the shrine for the day. Some super strong magical power surged up, some weird barrier kept me stuck in place, and about... Ten seconds later? I was in some sort of weird ruined church. Then everyone else popped up, we saved the two kids over there, came to this place, fought off the baddies, and... Here we are now?" It was, admittedly, little more than a very haphazard explanation about their recent escapades mixed with some wild conjecture about what had brought them here. If anyone could tell them more about their situation, it'd have to be that goddess that brought them here. Given how the events of the last while had transpired though, Sanae reasoned that Millie had to be [i]some[/i] sort of divine conduit if it was through her that they were all dragged here through time and space. "But, uh... Huh. Lavielle was that goddess' name, you said? Gotta remember that," she continued on, "but, well... Honestly, your guess would be as good as mine as to why we've all been teleported against our will—or, well, I assume that nobody got taken willingly...? Either way, it's not like I know much about [i]why[/i] we're here and how to get home. Our best bet would be to wait for the girl who channeled that goddess to wake up and have her do it again so we can have a little chat, but as you can see..." With a small tilt of her head and gesture of her hand towards the pair of children. Sanae looked at Remilia and shrugged. "She's been unconscious since we arrived. I'm going to hope it's just exhaustion from letting a god inhabit a body with no training—and yes, I [i]would[/i] know how that feels—so hopefully she'll wake up come morning and figure some more things out then." With a deep breath as she finally finished rambling, Sanae looked at the others waiting in turn before her gaze finally stopped on Lewa. "Now... That aside..." she said, a curious glint in her eye, "Lewa, right? I wanna hear more about you and where you're from. You're a hundred percent machine, right? No weird mini-person piloting you? Not that that'd be bad or anything, but, like..." Her enthusiasm was rather evident, but it was likely that if nobody else tried to stop her from rambling on, the young woman would likely rattle off her questions for a... [i]Meaningful[/i] amount of time. [@VitaVitaAR][@Izurich][@DracoLunaris][@Lugubrious][hr] When Anne finally approached him, Alvin felt as if his heart had turned to lead. There was this impending dread within him—a feeling that, though he knew the answer the lady who had protected them would give, a part of him didn't want to even try and consider thinking about it. But with his father nowhere to be seen after so long and uncle Kendrick back on patrol... Surely he just had to be outside, helping the other guards make sure that the Heralds didn't come back, right? That even if he was injured, he'd still be doing his best for the town—for them. But the way that Anne spoke to him only served to amplify that sinking feeling. If it was news that would soothe his heart, there was no way she would have spoken like that. Even he knew that; his dad had spoken the same way whenever something bad happened. Some part of him didn't want to hear it, but with shaking, balled-up fists clutched at his side the young boy quietly nodded his head. "Is... Is dad...?" [@Drifting Pollen]