[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tNyRDKd.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231129/e400887a5a0fd7c035450fb62e806ab1.png[/img][/center] Cameron happily skipped along with the others. Everyone seemed to be less grumpy now that they had something to do, and people talked amongst themselves. Some of these people really needed a little more joy in their lives. Hey, that’s probably why he was brought here. Their travels were interrupted when Azuma noticed a pair of green eyes in the bushes. Most of the others were apprehensive, but not Cameron. Sasha decided to take the lead by talking to it, and Cameron decided to follow suit. [color=pink]“Hey little buddy. Don’t be shy. No one wants to hurt you.”[/color] Although, judging by the look on Isaacs face, that may not be true, but Cameron ignored that. [color=pink]“I bet you’re really cute back there. Maybe you could help us?[/color]