[center][h2][color=#FF7800]Boraro[/color] Camp Hannula, 0500[/h2][/center][hr]Before landing, Ebrima donned his exosuit once again. No way he was carrying that thing, even if it was just into a truck parked nearby. He walked out of the plane, blissfully unaware of the Gurkha in the audience as he watched the minor shitshow unfold. He was missing a lot of context so he remained silent, but it sounded like both sides were talking crap, one making it seem as if Skye was somehow responsible for Rose, the other as if she was the second coming. What the fuck did he find himself in the middle of? He was working with a very limited sample pool, but so far he’d seen little that would make him shed a tear over the command change. Saying ‘She’s like a sister to me.’ to Freya’s [b]actual[/b] sister was… let’s chalk that and the blowout up to fatigue, benefit of the doubt and all. If anything, the new commander made a good impression straight out of the gate, directly to the point without unnecessary sauce. Sauce was good for morale at times, but this was not one such time. Say what needs to be said and let them settle in. That didn’t mean he didn’t want to say something to Athena. Something that probably would’ve earned him an enemy, if he could judge the woman by this brief interaction, but managed to stay his tongue. The eye roll, that was out of his control. But as Adam would later note, he just got there. Perhaps he could run with that little bit of goodwill and leverage it to mediate the next time people felt like arguing. Or perhaps not, Athena hardly seemed like someone who would care to differentiate. A voice of reason finally cut through the air, the Finn speaking sense and hurrying them along from the cold. Ebrima already liked him for that alone. [hr][center][h2]Camp Hannula, 0600[/h2][/center][hr]”And the blade too. I will not talk of it yet, but you should have a good story to tell, yes?” Fuck… Finding himself pitted against a Ghurka had been unexpected enough, but he’d considered working [i]with[/i] one completely out of the realm of possibility given his usual line of work, so this was a complication he’d never given any thought to. ‘First time for everything.’ as they say. There would be no story, just a presenting of facts - being economical with the truth in some areas the Gurkha didn’t need to know - and then Ebrima would start barricading his door when he slept. Purna being an infiltrator did not help the Cameroonian’s peace of mind. He doubted there could be any set of circumstances under which a Gurkha would be okay with him keeping the knife. At the same time, he wasn’t giving it up while he was breathing. It was only fortunate that blade’s previous owner wore a helmet to battle and not a terai, because Ebrima would’ve stolen that too. But for the time being he let it be, stowing away his equipment in the armory, cleaning the three weapons he had on him and finally hooking up the exosuit to charge before finding his room. Normally Ebrima would have eagerly gone out to explore the base after a shower and being released from the one on one with Adam, were it not for the arctic temperatures and the somewhat worrying presence of a certain small man on site. He may have been going a bit paranoid in the moment, but going outside and out of sight felt like painting a target on his back and making it easier to hide the body. In the end, necessity won. Refusing to live in what little he wore under the armor, Ebrima put the undersuit back on and headed out in search of the base’s equipment warehouse. Some time and a bit of arguing with the Blue Sword quartermaster later, he made the trip back to the house with two sets of clothes, two pairs of boots, a winter jacket and a warm hat. Unloading the haul in his room, it was just about time to see about some proper food to get the taste of what they found aboard the plane out of his mouth.