I have some unfortunate news for everyone. I'm going to have to to cancel this RP. The main reason has to do with a current RL situation which involves my family, which has become inreasingly mentally and emotionally draining. To the point that I simply don't have the energy or motivation to run an RP right now. The progress I've managed to make on the OOC over this past week has been laughably little, and one of my most important rules whenever I run an RP is: Have fun. Now, that applies to me myself as well, and if I'm not having fun when I'm creating the world and lore for you guys to play in, how are [i][b]you[/b][/i] going to be able to enjoy and have fun in it? Sure, I could force myself to finish things up and keep writing, I've done gone down that road in the past, but it never works out particularly well. As such, rather then subject myself to having more on my plate and doing something that, at the moment, I'm not able to enjoy or give my all to, I thought it better to shut things down before any major effort or time was spent on something that won't even be mediocre. I'm terribly sorry and feel really crappy that so many of you showed interest, asked so many questions and were genuinely excited to join this RP, only for me to go ahead and say: "Haha, nope." out of nowhere. ALthough I did mention I was having some issues in an earlier post (I think?). Still, all I can do is apologize and ask that you understand. I don't want to make a roleplay that isn't fun for you to play in, or for me to work on. It's not that I didn't have fun thinking it up or creating it, but in my curret state and situation, well, [i]nothing[/i] really feels fun at the moment. Enough excuses though. I hope you'll all be able to find another roleplay to join and enjoy instead. Maybe someday in the future, once this whole crapfest that's going on right now is over, I'll come back to and give this another go. For now, I wish you all good luck and and hope you'll have fun in whichever new RP you join. Yours sincerely, ~ Xaltwind [sub][sub][sub][i]the Gloomy Git[/i][/sub][/sub][/sub]