[center][h3][color=green]Lewa[/color][/h3][/center] As much as it pained him to acknowledge it, the reality that faced Lewa was one where nobody knew much of anything. They couldn't even hazard a guess; by themselves, the only thing the otherworlders gathered here could do was reiterate the circumstances that brought them here. Everything, it seemed, rested on the little girl who'd somehow managed to channel the power of a mystical entity called Lavielle, referred to as a 'goddess'. To Lewa, the way the others referred to this being made him think of the Great Spirit, Mata Nui. Perhaps if his home had Mata Nui, other lands had great spirits of their own. Whatever power the little one invoked, however, had clearly gone, and it left her in a nonfunctional state. The idea of waiting in agonizing uncertainty until morning took the wind from Lewa's sails, but it wasn't like he had much choice. Better late than never, after all. Accepting this state of affairs meant that Lewa had some time to kill. More than anything right now, he wanted to get to know this world of organics better. While he'd been forced to quickly graduate past the phase of mouth-agape befuddlement, the fact remained that he lacked even the most cursory understanding of how beings like these operated. That meant a definite possibility for awkward conversation, but that was the lot he'd drawn. Before he could drum up his first question, however, one of the others offered him one instead. Sanae seemed interested in him and his homeland, practically alight with curiosity, and Lewa saw no reason to deny her. Unfortunately, she did happen to touch on one subject that was a little personal for him: the matter of a miniature creature controlling him. "Like a krana!?" Lewa's eyes grew wide. "No, no, I am the one in control, and only me. Never again something else!" He shuddered, trying to push the thought from his mind. "Ah, forgive me. Bad thought-time. Er...to answer your question, I think-believe that you're mistaken. A machine is just a 'thing', yes? A cleverly-made metal contraption that can be run-operated. Something like a Boxor, which matoran wield-use for protection. We made have protodermis armor like ussal crabs have shells, but we are all alive, thanks to Mata Nui!" Lewa closed his eyes and breathed in deep, filling his lungs, then exhaled. One beat later, he launched into more explanation. "That's the name of our Great Spirit, you see. And our island paradise-home is named the same in his honor. It is divided into six unique-different wahi, each home to a matoran element-tribe. Mata Nui has the snowy ice-slopes of Ko-wahi, the maze-tunnels of Onu-wahi, the rocky canyons of Po-wahi, the tropical shore-waters of Ga-wahi, volcanic Ta-wahi, and of course, my own home-land. Le-wahi, a great jungle of matchless beauty. There I worked tirelessly to safe-keep my people from all harm. My four brothers Tahu, Pohatu, Onua, and Kopaka, and my sister Gali, look after the others." He crossed his arms and looked around, clearly expecting everyone -not just Sanae- to be impressed.