Neh, that's hardly something that needs an apology! I didn't reply, and you had something to say! So, we're both kind of in the same boat with a character? xD Eh, we'll all get used to each other soon enough, I'm sure. And don't ever feel like you need to rush a post! Write when you're feeling up to it. I can wait. I won't lose interest because of extended periods between posts. So please, make sure you take care of yourself first, and get the rest you need to be functional (or at least semi-functional. Sometimes, sleeplessness doesn't let you get much past semi-functional)! (For the record, no, that's not a hypocritic statement. I DID feel up to writing, even if I've felt a bit off.) Would you be at all opposed to writing future posts in past tense rather than present? "Kitten socializing." xD Hey, the pets are the best part about going to someone else's house! Even after being awake for 48 hours. [i]Especiallu[/i] after being awake too long! "Future Shadows?" If that's something my character would understand and that might come into play later for you, could I get an explanation, please? Sorry if you've already said something about that somewhere and I've forgotten! Don't forget to update your character profile with the new name!