[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220729/023912a75a8a9b16c801799640a60148.png[/img] [H3]Midgar[/h3][u]Arahabaki[/u] [b]Word Count:[/b] 752 [b]Level 7 Roxas:[/b] 44/70 [b]Exp:[/b] 2 [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 46/70[/center] It was immediately obvious that Roxas and his group weren’t the only ones freshly coming from a tough fight. Shinra’s son, and of course that Konoe guy they’d all been warned about. Although the latter had apparently now joined their side, evidenced by his lack of Galeem’s influence. If only everyone they freed could be that easily convinced to help. Otherwise they’d have Sam and Kale there with them as well. But those two apparently had other ideas and now nobody knew of their whereabouts as far as the Nobody was aware. [color=Gold]”After seeing how Shinra runs this city and meeting Armstrong for myself?”[/color] Roxas commented, [color=Gold]”It’s almost a good thing all this stuff started happening. City was gonna be rotten no matter who won that election.”[/color] Of course that also begged the question of what happens to the city next. Assuming the Seekers succeeded and everyone was freed… well both the President and his election challenger were still gone. So even without the crisis at hand there was still going to be a huge power vacuum just waiting to be filled in with all this smoke finally cleared up. But with Konoe there he was able to open the wall without Roxas even having to lift a finger. A bit of an anticlimax from the Nobody’s perspective, since his Keyblade was no longer needed. But oh well, best not to complain about any of the extra back up. And Roxas was… not prepared at all for what was waiting beyond. Big open chamber and… was that a giant white hand being chained over there? Was that the Guardian? No time to think. Another Consul showed up, not the same one from the debate though. He summoned a bunch of red pods that revealed a small army of Neuron Policewomen that all looked… creepily identical. Like they were clones or something. [color=Gold]”Umm…”[/color] Roxas stammered, having nothing he could really say in the face of this strange and confusing mess he now found himself in the middle of, [color=Gold]”...Is anyone else weirded out by this?”[/color] he asked, readying both his Keyblades. Roxas vaguely remembered seeing some of these officers in action the other day, so the thought of having to fight a small army of them was… not pleasant. Well, nothing for it now. Roxas went on the attack as soon as he could. He sprinted toward one of the clones to strike at her, but something invisible slammed into him before he could get close and sent him sprawling back to his starting position, [color=Gold]”What?”[/color] Roxas looked around as he got back up, but saw nothing except for the clones of Akira Howard. He ran for another attack that ended in the same result. [color=Gold]”How are you doing this?”[/color] he muttered, now trying to attack what he thought might be invisible enemies around him. But he hit nothing but air. Or was it air? Moments after something invisible seemed to grab and throw him back to the ground. This had to be the clones’ doing. And maybe taking down the clones would stop whatever this was, but how was he supposed to do that when the invisible forces were all around him and not letting up? [color=Gold]”Fire!”[/color] He shot a firaga spell at one of the clones. That at least connected, but for any type of attack Roxas might launch, the clones could fight back not only directly but indirectly through whatever invisible enemies were helping them. That meant that Roxas had very little in the way of options. He managed to fight off clones once and a while, but kept getting ragdolled by the invisible things helping them. And it wasn’t long before this was starting to feel impossible. [color=Gold]”Agh!”[/color] Roxas grunted, having just been pummeled by invisible attacks. He had no choice but to use Curaga to get himself back on his feet, [color=Gold]”What am I supposed to do here?”[/color] He fought off the incoming incoming attacks for what it was worth, but those invisible enemies just couldn't be touched. He managed to knock out a couple of the clones, but just getting to them was hard on it's own because of the invisible things they were commanding. Let alone the fact they were capable of fighting on their own. The prospects of this battle were getting grimmer and grimmer by the second. [color=Gold]"How are we supposed to fight enemies we can't even see or touch?"[/color]