[@Zeroth] [@The World] [color=39b54a][b] [h1] [center] Xiaolong Wu. [/center][/h1][/b][/color] [color=39b54a][b] [h1] [center] FOUR WEEKS LATER.[/center][/h1][/b][/color] Xavier had arranged to meet the two girls at a random restaurant. He knew he would not be recognized thanks to the disguise he was wearing. This disguise consists of a baseball cap, large sunglasses, and a black trenchcoat. In reality, this would look quite suspicious to anyone walking passed him. Getting a private booth for the three of them he sat down and had removed his trenchcoat. But he made sure to keep the hat and sunglasses on. Watching the two girls coming into the booth he smiled and welcomed them in. “[color=39b54a][i]Thank you for coming. I apologize for contacting you so late for this meeting. But I just wanted to talk to you two.[/i][/color]” He took a deep breath before taking a sip of water. “[color=39b54a][i]Don’t worry about the meal i will pay for all of it.[/i][/color]” He said before the waiter came to take their order. Xavier ordered some katsudon with a side of fried rice on the side and a beer. After they had ordered their food Xavier felt he was finally able to speak freely. “[color=39b54a][i]Before we encountered that cult a few weeks ago, I had a dream where this man told me I was chosen to protect the world. Burning this symbol onto the back of my hand. I assume you two had a similar dream. The figure seemed to be working for a higher power that wants to protect humanity.[/i][/color]” He stopped when he noticed the waiter coming back with their food. Xavier continued speaking as the waiter left the booth. “[color=39b54a][i]I am curious why this figure would pick us, I am only an actor I do not think I would be much use saving the world. This cult we fought seemed to be an offshoot of catholicism. And from what I could find there is someone who has more power than Satoshi. Someone named Gaburieru keeps coming up from what information I could find. The only problem is I can’t find any picture of this guy and other information to identify him.[/i][/color]” Xavier started eating his food but slowly with a worried look on his face. “[color=39b54a][i]But I feel strange not having introduced myself properly. You will have to forgive me my mind has been filled with worry to think straight. My name is Xiaolong Wu but you can just call me Xavier. It is nice to meet you both.[/i][/color]” Another smile filled his face,