[center][h1][color=lightblue]Kalina Kovalic[/color][/h1][/center] Kalina was in full combat readiness mode when she'd walked through the door. Alright, so she was in that state at almost every point of time during the day. But it resulted in her easily noticing the disappearing hands on both the angry civilians and the girl behind the counter. Weapons, and a silent alarm. That cut her options significantly. Sure, Kalina wasn't going to have resorted to lethal force on civilians regardless, but local law enforcement showing up soon made it so that throwing the first punch wasn't a viable option. Not if she wanted to get out of this town without a night in the county jail, at least. Of course, if one of these yokels actually did manage to get a shot off against one of the squad, then all bets were off. She started to open her mouth to respond to the sudden uptick in hostility, but Justice beat her to it. Huh. Was that how they were supposed to deal with civvies? Kalina was fairly certain the few civilian response courses they'd taken hadn't quite suggested this was the optimal method. Still, Justice would know better than her. That said... [color=lightblue]"Girl behind the counter probably tripped a silent alarm. Expect police soon, boss."[/color] Kalina said flatly, but without much sense of urgency. She looked around at the various angry locals again, still not going for her gun just yet. [color=lightblue]"I don't know what Tony said to rile you all up, and I honestly don't care. Grow a pair and get over it."[/color] Kalina said quietly, looking the leader straight in the eyes with an uncaring gaze.