[quote=@Visyn] [@Mas Bagus] Can you give a little more info on the Elves? I wanna make an elf! Like, age and maybe the life they kind of have right now; like scattered from each other or what elves would typically be seen doing. Trying to get an idea of how i want to structure her and having a tiny bit of difficulty since we don't know how elves age, or what really is happening with them other than they think people going to find their homeland are suiciders (lol). [/quote] Ah this is a good question and I am sorry I wasn't being specific enough in the OP. I thought this was something we usually discuss at our Discord. But I will inform you here. [hider=The brief history of the "Mala" or the Elves] Elves were angels once, which you probably already heard. The main theme of their existence in this world is they were once the servant who reminded the creator of the potential of Humans being the agents of destruction on a newly created earth, in which the creator simply dismissed them by saying He knows what He is doing for his Grand Plan. Unsatisfied with that answer, some angels descended to the earth, unwilling to let the world they helped create be ruined by mankind. Before they could do anything, however, The Creator censured their unauthorized action, yet he didn't recall them back to the haven, and cast upon them mortality like the humans. They got what they wanted, but with lots of conditions, one most important was that They would live alongside mankind, but must not intervene, nor hinder mankind's progress as long as it didn't jeopardize the (now elves') existence. They were also discouraged from spreading the "truth of creation" to mankind, and would only guide with example. 1700 ago. An Elven queen named Serensiel broke one of those conditions. Fed up by humanity's ceaseless warmongering, she started punitive military measures to keep humans "back in line" that evolved into a tyrannical regime intending to bring all humans under her ironclad rule. She retained her position for several decades until the human alliance formed in (now) Westernant waged war against Serensiel for their freedom. It was at that moment Serensiel suddenly had her power taken back by Divine intervention, allowing mankind to dispense humiliating justice toward the terrible queen. Nobody knows what exactly happened afterward. The human forces returned to their territory after signing up peace treaty with the elves, which both parties never disclosed to the public until this day. The elves considered Serensiel's regime as their darkest history they must never look back. The loathe was so strong that shortly after the war, they started to relocate from the Land of Twilight and abandon the region, not even bothering to cleanse the land or bring with them their possessions from the previous regime. TLDR: Serensiel was their Sauron, and The Land of Twilight was their Chornobyl. [/hider] [hider=The elves today and other information] The elves reach adulthood similar to humans but remain infertile until the age of 110. Their average lifespan is 600 years. Some were born with powers, but many others were not, or needed to learn their power. They have a neutral view regarding magic with a slight exception toward destructive kinds like fire magic. Healing powers are more accepted socially. Their towns and villages, even in the capital city like Alkautsar can be described as idyllic, almost boring even. They enjoy finer things but tend to not be showy about it. Functionally and aesthetic are equally important. They also are not completely withdrawn from mortal affairs. They have an economic system, they trade, they import, and export and they have some mundane industries going. They seem oddly religious but never preach any sort of commandments or institutionalized religion. However if one observes them closely, they seem to have their own holy scriptures that may or may not be written, but all elves seem to know that. These days, not every elf however knows their true heavenly origin, or deeply ponders about it. The elves are generally inclined toward good morality. Though the concept of what "good" truly is might be debatable and not universally accepted, they at least fit the standard of goodness accepted in any other civilized society. Their political outlook could be described as neutral... boring, with some anti-war attitude when their opinion was being asked regarding an ongoing conflict between human nations. Some elves do migrate to human nations. Elves cannot interbreed with other races. But intermarriage is not unheard of. [/hider] Please don't hesitate to Let me know if there is something more you want to know.