[color=f6989d][b]Sister Marta Rocha[/b][/color] [b]Mischief Reef/Đá Vành Khăn/Panganiban Reef - 11/01/07:50 UTC+8[/b] There are not many activities that one can do while one's arm is swaddled in bandages that are expressly forbidden from getting wet. Sister Marta knew this [i]intellectually[/i], but actually being made fully aware of it was... annoying. Alone, she sits on a towel, wearing a modest swimsuit. Unable to relinquish the aspiration of a beachside vacation, she sits listlessly, nursing her wounds, tapping at a spent glass of water with a loose straw. The rhythmic percussion soothes her ill mood but doesn't resolve it. [color=f6989d]"The Bright side, Marta... look on the bright side..."[/color] She adjusts her parasol to compensate for the shifting sunlight before returning to her appreciation of sounds. The coming and going of the tide... yes, that's a good beat as well.