[sub][b][color=8dc73f]Location and Time:[/color][/b] [I]New York City; Avengers Tower[/I] - [I]1:37 AM[/I][/sub][sup][right][color=8dc73f][b]Issue #1:[/b][/color] [i]Same as it never was[/i][/right][/sup][sub][hr][/sub][sub][COLOR=8dc73f][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/color] [I]None[/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=8dc73f][b]Universe:[/b] [/color][I]Earth-6023[/I][/right][/SUP] [color=Silver] A shudder overcame his body when he awoke in his bed. Since Loki joined the fight that his brother started- since he sided with the avengers, he hadn't slept in his bed- on Asgard. Apart from the fact that he felt his fathers cold anger- his distaste with what Thor had become and the power and influence Loki had gained- He had made a promise to protect earth. Now he was stuck there- A bit foolish, but sleeping in a lonesome tower was better then prying eyes. Now that his brother had been shown off to the world as monster- something he could never believe himself- He had taken a spotlight just as the other avengers did. It wasn't what he wanted- Sure, he talked all about having a throne, but the eyes of mortals looking to seep into his every bit of life, know his every thought and wonder if he was truly good- it clawed at him in a way that he didnt expect. He [i]hated[/i] how good everyone saw him. His morals were not of the avengers he was surrounded with- it was more dark, more horrid. Yet he had been put on a pedastol, told that he was great like the others- even though some (most) of the avengers could disagree readily. He stood from his bed, tossing the sheets he still had yet gotten accustomed to. He walked quietly, as if a single noise would kill him, moving towards the window of his room to peek out into the night sky. Well, as much he could see. The stars weren't seen- pollution obviously rotted this areas atmosphere enough that the beautiful sky he always adored seemed to be hidden by the clouds of grossness. He huffed, looking around his barren room before deciding to get himself a drink. Loki exited his room without making even a sound. He made it through the hallway less quietly, but he had decided he didnt want to give away his complex habits he had retained when he was a child- nor explain them. It was a long hallway, and even when he finally reached the main area it was just as lifeless as his room. None of the avengers really lived here- i mean, some stayed there for long periods of time, but to nobody but him it was their only place they could rest their head. Loki brushed off the lack of life to turn to the fridge and look around inside, looking around for anything to drink really. He usually took these times to have wine- incredibly strong wine- but humans were alot weaker when it came to drinking, so he grabbed some milk and closed the fridge in favor of making himself a nice tea. and taking some of the milk for himself, straight from the jug. If there was cameras, screw it, he was thirsty. [/color] [hr]