[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=6644ff]Jack Hawthorne[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1071511694637006920/1107753925676900392/20230515_153755_0000.png?width=1111&height=625[/img][hr][b][color=6644ff]Location:[/color][/b] The Twilight Pass [b][color=6644ff]Skills:[/color][/b] Magic Expertise, Supernatural Lore [b][color=6644ff]Spells:[/color][/b] [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/710908524602851461/1119732958107021322/f7059321aefbfb8ce4923b133f1f9d6d.png?width=343&height=625]Outfit[/url] [hr][hr][/center] Now that the fighting was over, and Klara got her soul back, all that was left was to get the hell out of the Everdark. [color=6644ff][i]That[/i] is where we go next,"[/color] Jack said in response to Prudence, as he pointed down past his home, towards a hole in space that led to a bright and sunny city. A far cry from the gloomy land they found themselves in. [color=6644ff]"With every passing moment, the lines between realms grows thinner. We-"[/color] His rant was cut short as Runa suddenly found her body again, which was both good and alarming considering how easy it was to enter this world right now. [color=6644ff]"Dominions..."[/color] Strangely, Jack little knowledge of that subject. [color=6644ff]"The Machine Gods. That is uncharted territory for me, I'm afraid. But it can't be good, we must hurry, regardless."[/color] Jack held up his watch, which was spinning so fast that the hands were just a blur on the face. [color=6644ff]"Ananym is tearing reality apart. Let's go."[/color] He turned and ran out of the rift. Everdark rifts were curious. One did not walk through a two-way portal. Rather, every rift led to a fixed place in the cosmos, and when you passed through, you were simply [i]there[/i] on the other side. The strange part, however, is that they found themselves in New York City. Ordinarily, this rift led to California. Another grim sign that even the most stable of interdimensional borders were falling to chaos. New York City had become hell on earth. Literally. Demons soared through the sky, and a blood red miasma hung overhead, surrounding a blazing pentagram stretching over the tallest buildings. It was difficult to see, but Jack could spot human children at the points of it. Looking around, Jack saw where they landed, and remembered this place. Albeit vaguely. The otherwise calm and collected wizard was awestruck in the worst way. [color=6644ff]"This... This is New York, in my time. This is the Sanctum Sanctorum- We're... We are running out of time. Ananym, [i]why?"[/color] He shouldn't have been surprised to see the chaos she had brought to earth. [color=6644ff]"She was always a wicked child, but a child no less. What did she become that drove her to [i]this?[/i] If we don't stop her, there won't be anything left to save of this world."[/color] He hated the idea of killing her. Even if it was a future version of her, Ananym was his friend. It had to be done, so he grit his teeth and found the determination inside that had kept him going this far and pointed at the sky. [color=6644ff]"Look around us, [i]that[/i] is the engine powering all of this chaos! Ananym- [i]Witchfire[/i] has brought Limbo to this world, and all the forces we faced and no doubt [i]more[/i] are standing between us and Magik. We are walking into grave danger, but we can still make this right! If we can dispel that, we'll cut off the head of this invasion. We'll need help- Stephen Strange didn't work alone. If we can get inside the Sanctum, we can find the people he worked with."[/color] There was determination in his eyes, now. Ororo knew the world was calling to him, and maybe now he saw that for himself. He was just about to walk up to the front door of the Sanctum and attempt to ram his boot through the doorknob when he saw the mailbox attacking Max. That was when Jack ran over and tried to grab it with a hand it couldn't injure. [color=6644ff]"Get away from him!"[/color] [hider=Held roll] Rolling to have Jack use his shadow hand spell to yoink that feral mailbox and slam it into the pavement with all his might, like hulk did to loki in that one avengers movie. Magic expertise and magic combat skills please [/hider]