[@Eviledd1984][@Visyn][@Zeroth][@Kazemitsu][@shadowsaint007] Guys, I am so sorry to say this, but since the RP has been moving slowly and at some points was at a complete standstill, I have lost interest and will not be continuing it. Plus I'm not in the best mental health right now. I know I promised you all that this would be a good RP, but I just can't continue with it. I'm sorry for everyone that I let down, and if you're upset or angry with me, I fully understand. I honestly hate pulling the rug out from under you like this, but I wanted to make it clear that this RP is unfortunately dead. Perhaps in the near future when I am ready, I will revive it or come up with a new concept. Until then, this is Vlad Tepes signing out. I wish you all good fortune and happiness. Goodbye.