[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=32CD32]Diana Novikova[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.tenor.com/DqIIOcu3zjUAAAAC/mia-smoak-kat-mc-namara.gif[/img] [i]Location: Otherworld, Avalon Costume: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/499721529148309506/1168625857640800317/latest.png?ex=655272a4&is=653ffda4&hm=6f76b23f05bb6d1d83c34c6532cc85818d9bd9ca6deb90a08c46aefb53dc5a5f&]Annabeth Chase[/url] Skills: N/A [/i][/center] [hr][hr] Diana turned to Zelda as she started to whisper about giving their names away in this realm she looked at the two guards blocking the main gate, they didn't seem to be all that magical or whatever to her. But then again she didn't know anything at all about this realm. [color=32CD32]"Alright then we just use our hero names or something while we are here?"[/color] Diana asked Zelda quietly so that the guards couldn't hear them. Luckily the guards seemed to believe that their business here was good enough to let them all pass. She started to walk in through the gates and into the city proper and looked around. It reminded her of some scene from an old medieval fantasy movie hearing town criers and everything was in a large market place of sorts. It apparently had been a week since Cassie was here which was really weird they had just arrived here and it was just only a few minutes for them all. Cassie could be anywhere here by now at this point, and finding her in a city this large was going to be really tough, she looked at the three of them. [color=32CD32]"Maybe we should split up, and look for her?"[/color] Diana suggested she wasn't sure how people here would react to any of them here. [color=32CD32]"Me and America could travel further with our powers so either Kate and Zelda could come with either one of us, and we meet back up by the gate or something?"[/color] She suggested as well to. [hr][hr] [center][color=7FFFD4][h1]Madalyne Crane[/h1][/color] [img]https://media.tenor.com/utvGu5D6dOUAAAAC/hope-mikaelson.gif[/img] [I]Location: Avenger's Academy, Cafeteria -> Stark Hall, Floor 6, Room 603 Costume: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/499721529148309506/1168625909822140456/360.png?ex=655272b0&is=653ffdb0&hm=490ca7082bd3651d4df12b9fbed1609fb9f580688f17a5b32cc2d3419cb76847&]Castaspella[/url] Skills: N/A Grimoire: Shield[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Madalyne jumped slightly when she heard something crashing and noticed that it was Vicky as she flew out of the haunted house and into a nearby wall. However she quickly went back and continued to hug onto April just letting her best friend cry into her shoulder, she was glad that she didn't make the decision to go into the haunted house. [color=7FFFD4]"It's okay all of us are here for you."[/color] Madalyne said to April, seeing that Dorian, Danni, Leah, Sabine and even Percy came up to her. [color=7FFFD4]"We'll use our dorm it has all of April's things in there anyway, she'll feel better in there."[/color] Madalyne said to Danni and Dorian, plus she didn't have the keys to Danni and Dorian's room either. [color=7FFFD4]"They'll get you there and we can enjoy the rest of the night there."[/color] Madalyne said to April and gave her another tight hug. [color=7FFFD4]"I'll leave the door open for you guys when you get her there."[/color] She told them as she headed back out of the cafeteria and started to make her way back over towards Stark Hall and to where their dorm was.