[hr][hr] [center][h1][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjgwLjY3YWI2ZC5TR1Z5YldWeklFUnBJRUZ1WjJWc2J3LjA/zombies-night.regular.webp[/img] [/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1197569379525738688/Copy_of_Black_and_Gold_Eye_Modern_Occult_Illustrative_Halloween_Virtual_Bac_20240108_022851_0000.png?ex=65bbbe65&is=65a94965&hm=8cf430f6ae3c8ff51ad077b32b8ee4574fc62f6b51b4c0816c7ef1670f85d4f5&[/img] [Color=67AB6D][I]Location: Skills: [/I][/color][/center] [hr][hr] Traffic was always bad in New York, but today took the cake. He sat in a line of cars honking and screaming at those in front of each other to move. Hermes rolled his eyes, resting his elbow against the handle of his Vespa as he tapped his fingers along his helmet to the music he was playing. He had hoped all of this would clear up relatively quickly. Scanning the face of his watch to see how much longer he had before he was late. His neutrality quickly turned into annoyance as he looked across the area to ensure none of New York's finest were around. The coast seemed clear. Even then they'd never catch him with this heavy traffic blocking the Brooklyn Bridge. So he did what any sensible teenager would do, he hopped the curb and began speeding past the line of cars waiting in stand still traffic. As he closed in ahead he noticed a pair of people standing outside their cars arguing, ofcourse it was a fender bender delaying everyone. Some grody man in desperate need of a haircut and an uppity looking woman who looked like she could buy the man and everything he owned if he didn't play his cards right. Hermes was so busy scoping out the drama he hadn't noticed the oncoming puddle, splashing it all over the pair as he motored past them. [Color=67AB6D]”Sorry!”[/color] was all he could manage to get out as his voice was lost in the distance, screaming drowning him out as the woman yelled something at him he didn't quite catch over the guitar of [i]Beast and the Harlot[/i] by Avenged Sevenfold.