As Fenna moved her spear to strike the wraith attacking her a second time, she noticed movement from the corner of her eye. The cultist got up again. She finished her attack, piercing the wraith again, who screamed and fell. That's when the cultist shot a fireball at her. Instinctively she raised her left hand. The ball of fire collided and pain shot through her hand, but not as much as she had thought. She had burned herself once before and that had hurt at least twice as much, or was this somehow less painful? The skin on her hand was red, definitely a burn, and she could barely move her fingers, but it wasn't as bad as she had feared. More peculiar, there was a warm sensation in her arm now, spreading slowly to her other arm as well. Her [i]Absorb Elements[/i] had activated the moment the fire had made contact with her skin. A warning squawk came from Sil, who flew up to avoid the bookcases coming down unto the suits of armour and the mage, and Fenna noticed several darts in the air. Two of them suddenly shot in her direction. She kept her eyes on them, trying to calculate when they would hit and used the bottom of her spear to jump into the air when they were about to impact her. They hit the ground she had been standing seconds before. Landing on her feet, she turned to the fire mage but noticed Barracker's shield slicing through the air. She also went in that direction, if the shield wouldn't finish the mage, at least it would destract him long enough for her to reach him and then she would finish him off. This time she would crack his skull with the blunt end of her spear. She held her spear with two hands and what looked to be smoke curled around the shaft. Some of the earlier fire attack was still in her body and would be unleashed with the next hit. The falcon circled above the bookcases, her eyes looking for the one she had attacked before, the moment she'd see a part of him and the bookcases were no danger anymore, she'd swoop in for another attack.