The timing had been just right. Steele was debating whether or not to head over and be fashionably late or take his absence in stride when Elizabeth did the striding. She didn't look all to pleased but given the situation he could see where she was coming from. "Always my pleasure Lizzy." Steele sad with a mock bow. He wasn't one for this serious of a circumstance. He was fine being sequestered into his own little piece of the supernatural night-life and doing his own thing but he wasn't one to forget good deeds. He'd needed a helping hand and now the man who had extended it was missing. Tardiness or not if what he was piecing together was true, he was willing to overlap his little slice of the night with his siblings. "Email just said there was something urgent going on and I'll have you know I didn't blow off the family reunion, just couldn't justify checking my phone in the middle of a show. So what's up with Ludwig? Taken? On the run? I haven't seen him around tonight but I'm more than happy to help with some snooping."