[center][h1][u]Of the Trinity[/u][/h1][/center] [center][i]The Eldest Daughter[/i][/center] [center][url=https://youtu.be/e2LLS33eQvk?si=HWXrwpzYJNoAyjkD]Catch your breath[/url][/center] Freya lay int he infirmary, good arm laying over her eyes, listening to her mother and father, and uncles fuss. She could hear Carl and Nolan talking with Sophie and the other doctor about what would need to be done to make sure this doesn't happen again. This brought a smile to her face. That family was near. She knew her little sister Athena had already left to go make sure things are okay. She felt a poke, and turned her head to look at her Uncle Andrew sitting there beside her, prodding at her ribs with a stylus, "You okay little Valkyrie?" She let out a little pained giggle, "Since when do you call me by Papa's pet names?" Andrew chuckled, "Since it caught on after you left." Freya smiled and made a small noise of amusement, then sighed and turned her head to face the cieling, "I think I'll live Uncle...I think I'll live. It will take abit, but the doctors know what they are doing." She let out a sigh as the IV set up gave her another very small dose of pain killers and medicines. She felt another presense and opened her eyes to look up at her other Uncle Ross standing over her head, looming over her, "You hurt yourself again, and when you get back I'm having you run Hell Mile on base, full ruck at noon." Freya couldn't help but eep at that promise. No it's not a threat, none of the people who became her surrogate uncles and aunties in Blue Sword make simple threats. They all make promises. She shook her head and gasped in pain as the movement pulled at her bad shoulder, "Ah...I'll be careful Uncle Ross I swear. Just please..." Then the hand of her mother taking her good hand lowering it to her side and rubbing the palm and then she felt the massive paw of her father, gently settle in her hair. It's the deep growly voice of her father though, "Relax My Thrud. Just rest and recover. Heal, we'll talk about things like that later. Carl and Nolan came over to join the family. Carl smiling and giving her a careful hug. Nolan just nodding to her, then tickling her foot lightly. Freya sniffed and tried to hide the tears of happiness, just having her family there helped alot. [center][u][b]The Middle Son[/b][/u][/center] [center][url=https://youtu.be/yGnfFW-vyzU?si=WGVCXEhcM4hCPB9H]One Part Demon, One Part Hunter, Entirely a Monster[/url][/center] Jamie sucked at the last of the juice out of his juice box. He smiled as people came up to waves at him and listened to comments. He also witnessed to the drama and the words of pain, loss and words of hope and could feel as the team tried to get back on it's feet. It might not help with so many new faces. As his sister came in he looked at her, straight in the eyes. His own narrowing, and that silent language that all close siblings have pass between them. He gives a nod, and looks briefly to have wanted to say something. but he caught the look of Samantha, and he quirked an eyebrow. And people began to leave the building. He smiled, everyone has their ways of coping. He never got a chance to try and befriend the dog though, pity that. But soon, someone spoke, ah it's Samantha. Ah yes, the elephants in the room. Plural. So much had happened and he heard in passing from one of the surviving guardsman from the Island about the fight that nearly broke out when Athena and Sam had it at each other. Ahhh there it is the apology. And then after the awkward silence is broken. By the sound of moving servos, and grinding gears. As Jamie stands up in his armor. Smoother lines then the armor that Freya would wear. Looking almost ichthyic in fashion, sleek and looking a fair bit denser. He looks around the room, "You're all hurting, or just getting in and feeling the pain of a loss." His gaze went over everyone in the room, "I understand that. But don't let a loss drag you down." He nodded, "I am Jamie Cole Kanatariio, and I've always been taught to formally introduce oneself to new acquaintances. I worked with Raven once before, some years back. I should have been on my break from the Unit, but then here I am. And I look forward to working with you all for as long as we're here." He nods, then raises his large armored paw, offering it to Sam, "To a good partnership yes? Any friend of my older sister, is a friend of mine. No matter what has happened." After shaking Sam's hand he goes around the room similar words, and a firm friendly handshake offered.