[h2]Esme[/h2] Esme finally pulled her eyes away from the wall as Duke started to talk, only to break off. She scanned his face as he searched for his words and tensed up a bit at his shaky breath. She took in his words as she stepped back towards the bed and sat on the edge of it, her eyes never left his face as she sat down. She sadly shook her head at his questions, she couldn't make out any of that. “Sadly, no.” she told him, her hands balled into tight fists on her lap. She wished she had more to go on but what she saw was so broken it was even hard for her to make out what she did. When she tried to look back on what flashed before her eyes, it didn’t make anything any clearer and it gave her a massive headache. When Duke frowned and shook his head, Esme prepared herself for some heavy news. What he said caused her to grit her teeth and clench her fists, causing her nails to dig into the palms of her hands. This caused Sarah to move over to Esme and lay her head in her lap. When Esme didn’t react to her presence, Sarah moved her head on top of Esme’s hands and gave a small whine. Esme could only look down at Sarah, feeling that her body was frozen in place. Closing her eyes she tried to process Duke’s words that were still echoing in her mind. She just looked into the future, which added more to the strange things she could do. She was an Empath, which let her feel and alter the emotions of those around her, she could burn demons with just a touch or them touching her, she could disintegrate demons with an energy blast, and now she could see the future. What in the hell did that make her? Could she even still call herself a human? She was starting to feel more like one of the monsters they hunted daily. She knew if she ever lost control, she could easily kill someone and that scared the hell out of her, it was always on her mind. Then a scene played out before her closed eyes, she was backed into a corner and the silhouettes of the group loomed over her, guns drawn, and their emotions were through the roof. With a lot of effort, Esme pulled herself back to reality before the conclusion of her vision could play out. Sighing heavily through her nose, she forced her hands to relax, then pulled her right hand out from under Sarah’s head and placed it on top of her head, giving it a small scratch. Opening her eyes she looked up and over at Duke. “So now I can add seeing the future to the growing list of what I can do. Which gives us both something else to worry about when it comes to my abilities.” she sighed heavily. “I can only pray that this will be the first and last time this ever happens but knowing how bad my luck can be, it won’t be. But I’m with you on figuring out how to handle this and how touching that paper triggered it…..” She trailed off thinking about what they could tell the others and how to explain they knew what was coming. She couldn’t lie to herself and say that she was hesitant to even bring it up to them even though they needed to know what was coming. She knew that no matter how hesitant she was. “Do you think they can handle this news with everything they already have on their plates?” she asked. As she looked at Duke, she finally saw it, he was going into protective little brother mode and she knew what that meant. She had seen it before and knew what the result would and could be depending on how things went. Esme knew that Duke would die for Dean to live. Gently moving Sarah’s head from her lap, Esme took to her feet and walked over to Duke, taking him by the arms and pulling him over to the bed, she forced him to sit down. Sitting next to him, she turned to face him, then gently took his hands into her own. “Duke…. I can tell you’ve gone into protective little brother mode after what I’ve just told you. I know I can’t stop you from doing whatever you can or have to to keep Dean safe and alive. I won’t stop you, you know I’ll do the same…. All I ask of you is a promise. Can you promise me that you won’t go in half-cocked and think before you go charging into whatever we find ourselves in…. Please?" “I don’t wanna have to kick your ass for being reckless.” she added to lighten some of the tension in the room. Esme didn’t want it to sound like she was begging him to promise her but she knew just how reckless he could be when it came to Dean’s wellbeing. She had seen him become the same way with her in the past. She just wanted him to have his head on straight when he faced whatever was in store for them, even if he did end up laying down his life for Dean, which was something Esme didn’t want to think about. She didn’t want to see anyone from the group die from this.