[hider=Charlotte Frunde] Name: Charlotte Frunde Legion: VIIth Solar Dragoons (Eventually Crimson Hammers) Homeworld: Francia Carefully modified and re-sculpted in the Dark Age to resemble not just the Terra of old, but Franc and its many environs, Francia’s environment is, in effect, Franc at its height, colonies and all, blown up to the size of an entire, Earth-sized planet. Temperate, Europan forests, plains, and frigid mountains dominate most of its landscape, interspersed with bands of desert the further south one moves, all the way into deep jungles and frigid and a frigid polar ice-continent over the southern pole. In spite of a dominant architectural style closely resembling renaissance-era Franc, Francia, insofar as Dark Age human civilizations go, remained relatively advanced, though a far cry from the heights of human achievement. Though the precise reasons for its survival have been long-since muddled, the planet’s rulers claim that, some time before the revolt of the Men of Iron, the rulers suspicious of Abominable Intelligences and either intentionally destroyed or exiled those on Francia, safely maintaining the use of comparatively simple robotics. And so, when the storm washed over humanity, Francia and the nearby systems it controlled recalled the fleets stationed in their vicinity, drew together whatever resources, and hunkered down while they waited for the storm to pass. True psykers, likewise, were slaughtered en-masse, viewed as a serious liability outside of the few astropaths required to keep the small ‘Empire’ together. Largely unchallenged, and able to prey upon the fears of their people, the government quickly centralized, banning elections for the sake of “maintaining security in a time of crisis”, and instituting martial law. Rapid expansion of the Francian military eventually allowed them to expand their borders even further, conquering the entirety of their home system; upon the eve of which a monarchy -- a Francian Empire -- was declared. At the tail end of their victory, the Francians rapidly expanded outward, conquering most of the nearby systems connected by the few remaining safe warp routes. As the millenia dragged on, dissent slowly grew, revolts appearing and disappearing like flashes in the pan, yet never achieving anything more than momentary success, until the sudden, unexpected arrival of a child from the stars. Psyker Grade: Gamma Skills/Abilities: Liberté: Though Charlotte, and nearly every one of her comrades, fought hard to bring the Francian revolution to a favourable end, most of them were merely human, growing tired in battle, and being wracked with fear. And yet, those who fought alongside Charlotte seemed to fight harder and for longer beyond what simply being inspirational could justify, as if being in the half-giant’s towering presence somehow filled their bodies with energy, allowing them to fight on when they would otherwise collapse. Égalité: Charlotte’s psychic ability manifests exclusively as telepathic and divinatatory ability, alongside the ability to heal, with no direct damage capabilities. Most valuable, perhaps, is her ability to predict the moves of her enemies ahead of time, incoming bombardments, and so on. This ability alone was perhaps the most useful he possessed when it came to her role as one of the leaders of a revolution, though Charlotte distinctly lacks the strategic acumen to fully exploit her powers without a strategic mind to supplement her and shore up her weaknesses. Fraternité: Though unable to assault the minds of her enemies, Charlotte’s telepathy nonetheless allows her to bind herself and those fighting alongside her together, acting as a ‘middleman’ between them. Aside from this ability to quickly and effectively convey messages, however, her telepathy is generally unremarkable. Innovation by Necessity: Though not an academic genius herself, Charlotte is possessed of a distinctively supernatural ability to innately understand technology, or, through her divination, to see into a specific facet of the future of a collection of objects as a sort of reverse-psychometry, and thus understand how to assemble them into something useful, or repair them to working order. This ability is distinctly difficult to explain; frequently, Charlotte simply expresses an instinctual understanding of how an item is to be used, or how something might be made to accomplish a specific task, though absent the ritual understanding that typifies the Martian Mechanicum, or even a more typical academic expertise. Eclectic Training: Unusually for a primarch, though highly skilled in close-quarters combat, Charlotte lacks any formal training, and the substantial experience she has is mostly with repurposed industrial equipment (massive power hammers, laser cutters, and so on), largely thanks to her life as a revolutionary. With these implements and a handful of heavy weapons, she is nonetheless capable at the demigod-like level expected of primarchs that favour direct combat, most often adapted for her use rather than being purpose-built. On a related note, she has not yet had the luxury of specializing into one weapon or another, nor are there any particularly emblematic of her (she simply picked up and used the best tool for the job at hand), rendering her a jack-of-all-trades. Appearance: Standing at 11’4” tall, while taller than many of her primarch siblings, Charlotte isn’t the tallest of her siblings by any means -- but she’s large enough to strike an intimidating figure, and remains one of the more athletic, though not the strongest, among her siblings, built more for the endurance required for sixteen-hour backbreaking workdays of manual labour in Francia’s mines, pushed intentionally to her superhuman limits by the planet’s rulers. Her hair, betraying her inhumanity for its unusually pale colour, is roughly chopped rather than finely cut; fitting, for a woman who fights with industrial implements and with little actual training. Her emerald eyes, likewise, are just as unusual, far brighter and more distinctly green than would be naturally possible. Nonetheless, in spite of her rough upbringing and lack of care for her appearance, Charlotte remains beautiful and visibly voluptuous, if generally grimy, aided by her natural regenerative capabilities. [hider=Portrait] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/667651180872204299/1198771809651261510/comm.png?ex=65c958bf&is=65b6e3bf&hm=7a05cbca6e40a60c9b2012ce838dacb564f6bde91d68794830aa2429d3cf24c1&[/img] [/hider] Personality: Though she possesses a mind just as belligerent toward her ideological enemies as the most violent of her siblings, Charlotte is, nonetheless, a deeply caring woman, able and willing to throw her life away for the sake of any one of her mortal comrades; no falsehood worn for the purpose of manipulation but a genuine belief in the inherent value of each working class life. Even the lowliest mine laborer is no less worthy of life than she. Of course, her eternal crusade to uplift the proletariat is not the only thing that motivated Charlotte, even if it is a personal mission that touches practically every choice the Primarch makes. As might be expected for someone so belligerent, and who has lived most of her life in secret dens of like-minded freedom fighters, Charlotte is a near-consummate thrillseeker, always hunting for the thrill of battle, the company of a lover, or the rare sort of ludicrously potent narcotic that can briefly alter her senses. Concept: Purely in terms of the Emperor’s intent, Charlotte was tailor-made in distant imitation of some of the most mythically successful generals of Old Terra, equally as charismatic as she was strategically capable and with just the right combination of psychic abilities to stay ahead of even the most capable mortal warriors. Like many of these heroic generals, too, she was in effect intended to behave as a celebrity, an ideological mouthpiece and master of propaganda. Although, just like most of her siblings, the results of the Emperor’s experimentation were far less predictable than He intended. Charlotte did indeed naturally arrive at a conclusion similar to her father’s regarding what was to be done with religion, though in different ways, taking on a distinctly revolutionary view of religion as an opiate with which the ruling class kept the working person down. Unlike her progenitor, however, Charlotte lacks any particular stance on aliens and especially mutants beyond simply viewing them as another, stranger kind of people, neither inherently repulsive or admirable, though aliens are certainly to be viewed with extra caution. Most notable, perhaps, are her distinctly proletarian view of politics and ingrained distrust of ruling classes, the latter of which the Emperor certainly meets the qualifications for, regardless of how capable he might be when contact is finally made. Indeed, so great is her fear of such power that Charlotte lives in terror of the possibility that she was created by someone of incredible power for far more oppressive purposes than she ended up living out, as, while Francian technology is highly advanced, none of their genetic science is so preternatural as to allow the creation of a being such as herself, nor is there any possibility in her mind that she was unaltered and naturally born. Furthermore, Charlotte’s strategic acumen is relatively atrophied; however, her willingness to find people that are more capable than her and understand when to delegate is not. After all, the success of the revolution she took part in necessitated close cooperation between many people of wildly different skill-sets, and as one of its most prominent figureheads, she was often at the center of this process of cooperation and delegation. Indeed, it was often her voice that brought her fellow revolutionaries together. In this, she has fulfilled the Emperor’s intent for her as an orator, and even an unwitting propaganda piece, though the area in which she perhaps strayed closest to his design was the development of her psychic powers, her strong moral compass, narrow focus, and limited training having coincidentally led her to the same cautious profile that was intended for her. [/hider] [hider=VIIth Solar Dragoons] Legion Name: VIIth Solar Dragoons Associated Primach: Charlotte Frunde Legion Appearance: [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/667651180872204299/1201359586779746364/dragoon.png?ex=65c9884d&is=65b7134d&hm=49a44c8e22cd02d6c8fd36f83bcc1baba8421d222e4b3c26c14407dd9c3639e3&[/img] Concept: Drawn from an especially small, carefully-selected segment of Franc’s female population, the Solar Dragoons were constituted for an especially rapid, dangerous breed of mobile warfare. Virtually all of their equipment is air-deployable, restricting the Dragoons entirely from the use of battle tanks thanks to the Imperium’s lack of fully developed airlift capacity. As a consequence, the Legion primarily relies upon dreadnoughts, bikes, and landspeeders for on-the-ground fire support; by and large, however, its lack of heavy lift capacity is compensated for by an enormous volume of air power. This extreme mobility allows the Dragoons to easily outmaneuver most of its foes, especially when supporting Imperial Army attacks, to such an extent that they are often able to appear at a battlefield well before an enemy can, or even outmaneuver armies entirely. This style of medium-level warfare, however, necessitated the adoption of a highly modular unit structure, favouring smaller formations with a larger emphasis on unit independence over the more hierarchical organizations typical of the largest Astartes legions. Emblem: A golden Imperial Eagle emerging triumphantly from the surface of a darkened, blue sun. [/hider]