[hr][hr][center][b][h3][color=FF17F2]Klara, Daughter of Thor[/color][/h3][/b][img]https://i.ibb.co/LhgR7n7/Klara-Thordattir-5-500x400.png[/img][hr][color=FF17F2][b]Location:[/b][/color] Everdark [color=FF17F2][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A [color=FF17F2][b]Spells:[/b][/color] N/A[/center][hr][hr] Klara was still giggling a bit, namely with regards to the amount of glitter everywhere as of right now. She always had fun with that sort of thing, tended to make it a bit easier for her to follow along after people and find where they went. Or in this case just because she felt like everywhere they were [i]needed[/i] glitter. Everything was better with it in her opinion, and the Everdark definitely needed it. As did everyone who was with her, hence why she had thrown glitter around like she usually did. A portal opened up, and Runa started talking about something that didn't make sense to her, something about them wanting to destroy everything? That was the gist of what she understood, and Jack's talking wasn't exactly helping out with her understanding. It didn't matter though, people were starting to head through the portal, so Klara was going too. However the explanation of where they were once they got through the portal wasn't exactly the greatest. [color=FF17F2]"...Wait where are we?"[/color] she asked incredibly confused as to what place Jack was sort of describing or at least just naming. This place was really weird and not something she'd ever seen before.