[hider=Forbann Spiser] [hider= The Curse-bound Ferromancer][img]https://i.postimg.cc/pdH6Nydj/alice-boudry-lawbringer-filh-edit.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name: [/b] Forbann Spiser [b]Species:[/b] Oni [b]Age: [/b] 112 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Mana pool type:[/b] Container [hider=Bio] Born in Tretagon to a family of Blacksmiths, Forbann's first 30 years of life went…relatively peacefully. While being a Non-Human in Tretagon wasn’t ideal, a combination of both their family profession and living close to other Non-Humans mitigated any racism towards them, and Forbann learned about his family trade,becoming a decent smith in his own rights. Unfortunately, being able to supply the Tretagonian military with weapons seemingly wasn’t enough to be excluded from being conscripted when they needed more recruits for another of the countless wars that they liked to wage. And so, for forty long years, Forbann became part of the Military, and fought in the multiple wars that the Feredin’s oh so liked to wage. He never moved far in the ranks, as his Human compatriots were always chosen before him for promotions. Fortunately, either because of his combat prowess or because they didn’t want to risk the ire of a three metal tall tower of muscles, that was most of the extent of the discrimination against him. It wasn’t the life he wanted, but Forbann could be content with it. Then the Feredins died out and everything went to shit. Peasants would barely make it to the end of the month, skirmishes between all the factions were commonplace and all-out battle a monthly occurrence at the very least. Forbann had it better than most, for the first couple years at least. His combat prowess guaranteed him a job in a land so rich in violence, but in between the rising tension against Non-Human communities, and general paranoia against anyone non-affiliated with their own faction, amd before even a decade passed, all the job he could find were far too distasteful for him to take. As he was trying to think of a way out of this predicament, he happened upon a windfall,in the form of a pampleth. [i]“Searching for able-bodied Volunteers to further magical research! DANGEROUS! Will pay well and give both food and lodging! No Magical Knowledge Required!”[/i] Even though Forbann thought it to be sketchy, he decided to check it out, trusting that if it was a scam, he would be able to get out of it without much problems. To his surprise, instead of a scam What he found out was a Middle-aged man that called himself the “Scholar”,no other names given,a new building that he never saw before, and exactly what the pampleth said. Food,lodging,pay, and plenty of danger. After being assessed, the Scholar said he would be perfect for his experiment involving Curses,gave him a book on Ferromancy and told him to study,before promptly leaving him in his room. Between being continuously cursed and cleansed for “experiments”(he was never given any other explanation),and trying to learn magic for the first time, the following years went by quickly, but when he finally was adept in the magical art, the experiments shifted. Instead of being a test subject for curses, he was to try and subjugate the ones in Cursed Objects. Allegedly, the Ferromancy should give him an edge in manipulating the Curse to his Will, while his continuous exposure to curses should have given him some resistance and familiarity with them. It took years more, but the Scholar assumption seemed to be correct. He was able to mold the Cursed Object, and the curse Itself, making them his own. Unfortunately, after that success, things started to go downhill. The experiments became more and more inhumane(and started to involve other people beside himself), the Scholar himself seemed less eccentric and more unhinged by the day. When he tried to bring up his concern to the Scholar, he turned on him. Forbann didn’t go down without a fight, but he was brought low in the end. He knew this was fucked beyond saving when the Scholar started to monolouge at him,about how he was gonna bring progress to everyone, how his glorious revolution will lead everyone to a better path and how he’s was gonna “Show them all!”. Instead of being killed though, he was imprisoned,something about how he was “One of his best experiments” and how “You’re gonna come around to my vision in time”. A couple months later and some crude attempts at “Convincing” him to willingly join the Scholar, Forbann had his chance to escape,a chance he tried to prepare for as best as he could. As the facility was attacked by some unknown forces, he broke through his bonds, weakened exactly for a moment such as this, and bee-lined it for the room most of the experiment involving him happened. Reaching it, he easily found what he searched for. Stored there were all the previous experiments he worked on. Metallic Cursed objects, each of which he fought and won against. And even after months, that didn’t stop mattering. The Metal flowed, forming around his body in a sickly glowing shell resembling armor. Extending from his hand, a length of the Cursed Metal extended, forming a gigantic Halberd, his preferred weapon,shining with that same menacing glow. As the process finished the glow abated,only shining occasionally, and instead of a prisoner, what was left was a warrior clad in armor, a deadly weapon in hand ready to be used against any who would oppose him. After that, escaping proved to be relatively simple. Most of the security was occupied with whatever force was attacking the place, and what was left was no match for him. Strangely enough, he never saw whoever had decided to fight the Scholar,though the fact that he escaped through a wall instead of using the main entrance might have something to do with that. Finally free after months, Forbann had to once again decide what to do, how to best hide from the Scholar(in case his assailants wouldn’t get him), and find a way to live. As he was trying to think of a way out of this predicament, he happened upon a windfall,once again in the form of a pampleth. [i]"Looking for able-bodied brave people! Only the trustworthy, fair and those who yearn for an exciting yet perilous adventure Need apply! To aid me, Vesemir Baradin, in his journey to the Ancient City of Nuria!"[/i] It is such a shame that we have mapped the faraway lands and realms, but not our place of birth. It is such a disgrace that we record the history of all realms and place it on the highest shelf in our library, but let our own be left in the dust. It is unacceptable that we look back at our history with disdain on our faces. -Vesemir …He really shouldn’t trust Pamphlets after what happened the last time. …But it would be an easy way to get far away from the Scholar, and it’s a job that 's definitely within his abilities. And to be honest, after a century, he thought that he needed a little vacation from Tetragon. The Twilight Land are supposed to be one of the most dangerous land of the world, but it can’t be that much worse than Tetragon. … Right? [/hider] [hider=Class: Curse-Bound Ferromancer] A Ferromancer specialized in Cursed Metal, they trade the faster, unpredictable attacks of a Ferromancer to specialize in Attrition fighting. In Between debuffing their enemies, Restoring themselves and being a pain to bring down, the Curse-Bound Ferromancer is a drain tank that’s far more trouble than it’s worth. [hider=Passives] [b]Steel in my soul, Iron in my veins:[/b] As an Oni, Forbann stands almost at twice the height of an average Human. His ancestry grants him greater strength and constitution, though at the expense of being somewhat slowed down. Thanks to his profession, his heightened constitution also applies to resist most Curses, Though it isn’t quite enough to fight them off completely. [b]Shape Metal:[/b] While Forbann can quickly shape metal to be combat effective, if he takes his time with it he can render the process very cost-effective, and he can Shape it in more complex forms. [b]Ferro-Knight:[/b] Combining his previous military training along with his ferromantic abilities, Forbann fighting style favors heavy armaments. Armor that he can shape to soften incoming blows, and weapons with enough heft to them to be used both as a deadly implement and as a catalyst for his ferromancy. It is a ponderous style, entrusting in its ability to take a hit to dish out far more damage. [/hider] [hider=Spells] [b]Profane Impalement:[/b] Forbann shapes the Cursed Metal, extending it at high speed towards its target. Has a maximum range of five meters and a Cooldown of one Turn. [b]Command:Fragmentate[/b] Whenever Forbann wounds a target, he can choose to fragmentate the Cursed Metal currently inside of them, leaving it inside the target. Beside being shrapnel, the Cursed Metal festers, inflicting them with the Alloying Curse. This is not subtle, as each piece of cursed metal will start glowing with a sickly light not much after entering a bod.. Has no cooldown, but can be activated only when scoring a wound, and the spell strength scale based on the wound severity. [b]Curse-Leech[/b] Whenever Forbann is in contact with a target(Either Physically or with Cursed Metal), he can decide to Leech the Curse from them. Beside Cleansing the target, this Revitalizes and strengthens him,scaling with how strong was the Curse. If an enemy has Cursed Metal inside of them, Then instead of getting completely Cleansed, then they will once again be inflicted with the Alloying Curse. Curse-Leech has a Cooldown of two turns, but proc’s automatically if a target gets killed by Forbann or his Cursed Metal. [/hider] [/hider] [hider= Mundane Skills] [b]Smithing Knowledge:[/b] Forbann past knowledge comes in handy,as Ferromancy has some overlap with smithing, and knowing about smithing technique and practices increases a Ferromancer’s ability both in depth and versatility [b]Curse-binding Ritual:[/b] With a ritual,Forbann can Curse metal with the Alloying Curse, greatly strengthening it. This process does have the side effect of making the metal highly dangerous for anyone not resistant to curses unless actively suppressed by him. [b]Curse-Eater:[/b] As a Container Type, Forbann can additionally replenish his pool by absorbing curses.Eating Cursed metal grants a higher boost,but disintegrates the metal that the Curse was bound within. [/hider] [hider= Equipment] [b]Curse-Bound Armor:[/b] While Malleable, the Armor is commonly in the form of a heavy full plate suit. Sturdier than normal thanks to being Cursed, it sometimes emits a sickly glow. Greatest concentration of Cursed Metal Forbann possesses. [b]Curse-Bound Weapon:[/b] While Malleable, the Weapon is commonly in the form of a gigantic Halberd, thicker than standard ones to account both for his strength and that throughout a fight he’s gonna temporarily lose pieces of it. [/hider] [hider= Other] [b]The Alloying Curse:[/b] Forbann’s own brand of Curse, and the one all of his equipment is haunted by. Aptly named both for the method of contracting it and its symptoms, which were described(by a blacksmith) as “Having feets like lead,skin like tin, mercury as blood, and you have to carry all of them together”. In more Physical terms, a severe affliction weakens the victim, makes them more prone to wounds and tires them. If left untreated for enough time, the victim would first become paralyzed,as each limb starts to slowly but surely become number and number until they can’t control them anymore. Then, the Curse will start to slow the organs, until they can’t keep up with the body’s needs anymore. Death follows soon after. Any rumors that dying by the Alloying Curse transform your body in Cursed Metal are baseless and no proof of this claim has been found. [/hider] [/hider]