Bending over a microscope for hours on end would tire anyone out, but not Naomi. If her vision didn't turn blurry, she would've been content looking at cells under a microscope for days, forgetting all her basic necessities in the process. Even now, she could feel her stomach rumbling and her bloodshot eyes screaming in protest, her brain begging her to rest for a bit, but Naomi persevered. How could she rest when she still hadn't found the answer to her questions? How could she rest knowing that her father's murderer was still out there, feasting on another unsuspecting human? Finding the cure to vampirisim had become Naomi's obsession, only second to taking revenge on the vampire that killed her father. There was a time when she tried to run away from vampires, but now they were all she thought about. During the night, she would be out hunting for them, while during the day she would work on reversing their curse. She couldn't remember the last time she had slept. When her eyes filled with moisture for the fifth time in protest, Naomi finally looked away from her microscope, closing her eyes to let them rest for a bit. She could feel herself drifting off and jerked awake immediately, glancing towards the clock on the wall. It was late. Perfect timing for hunting. Shrugging off her white lab coat, she looked around the room to find her crossbow. She had turned her parents' basement into her personal lab, and being a messy worker, it looked like a whirlwind had passed through the room - papers littered everywhere, test-tubes in every nook and cranny, and the pungent smell of various chemicals hung in the air. Her mother had only come down to the basement once since Naomi had moved here and had never dared step her foot inside again. Finally recovering her weapon from under a desk, Naomi made her way out of the house, careful not to make too much noise to wake her mother up. She attached her crossbow to her arm and shrugged on a loose full-sleeved jacket over herself to hide it. She knew there wouldn't be many people out at this hour, but precautions had to be taken in case she came upon a civilian. Explaining why she had a deadly weapon attached to her wrist would be quite difficult even with the town Sheriff on your side. The crisp night air made her stay alert as Naomi walked down the streets of Brooksfield, wondering if she would have any encounters tonight.