[center][h2][b][i][u]Micheal Crane[/u][/i][/b][/h2] Still in one piece...somehow[/center] Micheal sat through the ride back to base quietly. Rubbing at the magic burn on his arm the whole way. Something about making something painful feel uncomfortable and all that. Like poking at a bruise, you know? He sighed and leaned back in the car, muttering, "Someone roll me outta the car when we get there." He groaned softly, and just reclined on his section of the seat. his eyes dropping closed as he rested atleast for a little bit. he may even have drifted off for abit during the trip. So when they arrive he jerks awake and turns to look at the person nudging him, seeing a young orc with a medical band on their arm. He gulps, "Please stop poking me, I'm fragile right now." He grins to try and tell that off then starts to get out, looking around at the team to see how they are all doing. Waving to Scarlet, "You doing okay over there Red? Like really really, you know." He smiles brightly, then stumbles abit as the orc guides hims along, saying something about being tended too and that burn needs a proper going over. Honestly the muscled shaman doesn't have much to try and wave that off. His magic in shambles at the moment, and tired from everything that's gone on before. Yeah bit of RnR would be nice about now. He follows along, calling over to Amanda as he passes, "Hey Boss Bot, be safe okay? You've done tons so far. Take a load off. I think we have alot to go through yet." And then the Shaman is taken inside the building, and down snaking paths. And into the infirmary. He eeps though when that young Elven doctor from before looks over and smiles almost predatorily, "Oh you're back. Let me help you." And it's only because that orc is behind him that he can't take off running.