[center][h1][b]Jamie Cole Kanatarrio[/b][/h1][/center][center][h3][u]The Scion at Rest[/u][/h3][/center] Jamie had sat and waited and watched then and smiled, watching as dinner was cooked, and when offered he'd reached in grabbed a plate and placed a heaping helping of vegetables and starches, and claimed half a haunch of meat. Gotta feed a growing boy after all. Growing larger around the waist maybe, but if the man gets any taller he's going to become a true giant. He'd waved when his parents and uncles had come in checking to see that everything is okay. And gone to Sam, to alert her that the main Blue Sword Task force would stay on site until the Raven team left on their mission, then they would finish offloading the supplies they have for the team and head back to Perth until their own people needed pick up later. They'd keep communications lines open and be able to send material help if need be. Blue Sword would stand with Raven no matter what, but they can't be there 24/7 as the company had things they needed to do as well. Jamie had gave his mother and father brief words about being okay, and he'd help as best he can. He cast his eyes about again, whispering to his mother, "The team needs some time. But they'll walk tall again. I'll be here to help hold them up until they don't need me again." The Blue Sword unit had then headed outside to make themselves some dinner as well. Yes the dinner was packed, and the chatter of teammates getting to know new members was a buzz and clamour. But this is the way warriors recover.