[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] MacKensie stepped back in relief as Barracker dealt with the wraith. It was actually quite stunning to see that; while she and the others from Earth had such unbelievable abilities and magic, there were still clearly higher levels of power that could be reached, and Barracker exemplified this. She returned the warriors handshake, her grip firm and the look in her eye filled with fire and gratitude. [Colour=Green]“How serious are your wounds?”[/colour] MacKensie suppressed a sigh and shook her head. [Colour=Pink]"I should be fine."[/colour] She flinched when the fiery explosion of Fenna's finishing blow went off. Seeing that Fenna herself was okay, she continued on to the Paladin. [Colour=Pink]"Thank you for your assistance."[/colour] [Colour=Green]“Are you able to fight on?”[/colour] [Colour=Pink]"It looks like there is no need,"[/colour] she answered, giving a small nod as she looked around the library. No enemies were left standing. Her brow furrowed momentarily when she saw Zell relaxing on a sofa, but thought better of inquiring further. Zell was Zell. That was an explanation enough. A more thorough view of the room confirmed that everyone was alive. James looked the most worse for wear, but he'd patched himself up and was at least able to walk. Whether he could he continue the mission was another story. Still: Victory. [Colour=Pink]"Thank goodness. Good job, my friend,"[/colour] she smiled at Barracker squeezed his shoulder. “Is everyone alright?” [Colour=Pink]"All good over here,"[/colour] she replied to Adam, giving him a thumbs up and a smile when he looked. Then she turned back to the Barracker. [Colour=Pink]"That was quite the surprise, was it not? We thought that we were the ambushers but turned out to be the ambushed. This enemy is clever indeed."[/colour] She was late to notice that he was wounded also, his dark, leather armour hiding the injury. [Colour=Pink]"You are hurt. How bad is it?"[/colour] After inquiring about Barracker's wounds and checking to see if he needed anything, MacKensie saw Adam approaching, his red gaze showing his intent to speak with the Paladin, so she left them to converse, giving Adam a nod and pat on the shoulder as they crossed paths. [Colour=Pink]"Good job, James,"[/colour] she said as she approached the Cleric, a touch of his arm as she came to stand next to him. [Colour=Pink]"How are you holding up?"[/colour]