[quote=@Zeroth] Sorry, I've been busy with other IRL stuff too. Anyway, I think my "issue" really comes down to feeling like the plot is a little rushed. I don't mean to offend or anything, you're the GM not me, but I just feel like we're sort of jumping from one event to the other without enough development in between. For instance, this: I feel like if we went into this segment, with the characters exploring around town or meeting at a cafe 1 or 2 days after the "cult incident," instead of the "Interview at NHK" mission, it would give us more time for all the characters to get to know one another and establish that "unlikely group of heroes" dynamic. As it is now, aside from the fact that all three of them have been "chosen" and they were willing to help each other against a common enemy, what motivations or bonds do the characters really have with one another? And while we, as players, are familiar with the SMT-setting to know how the demon contracts, skills/magic, and so-forth work, our characters haven't really gone through enough experiences to learn all those things. I might be the only player who feels like this, which is fine, but I think that's what's making it hard for me to write around the plot pacing. [/quote] Mmm then to resolve this issue I can edit my post to have them do something else. Perhaps doing something so our characters can build a relationship with each other. Is there any ideas of something they can do in before going to the interview?