[center][h3][b][color=E948FC]Danny Kingston[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/813757202661113906/Daniel_5.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=E948FC]Location:[/color][/b] Cafeteria [b][color=E948FC]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=E948FC]Costume:[/color][/b] [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/701082630778650694/1170518195468259438/AE495F8E-440D-4FCC-B70C-692938B61E1C.jpg?ex=65595504&is=6546e004&hm=c0093a824d2332ab927d501c89ce963a9f5fe09afbb732f425b943ef4d8b569d&]Double Trouble[/url][/center] [color=E948FC]“Thanks Mads! We'll get the hot chocoalte and shit and all our stuff and drag it iver. Sleep over night!”[/color] Danni cheered, eyeing Leah's injuries. Still, they were Superhero students and while Danni didn't know what kind of training Leah went through, those were just scratches if it was anything as explosive as theirs. Danni threw up his hands in defeat. [color=E948FC] “Okay, well you two ‘ave fun playin’ t'e whole machisme protector role. Make sure ta work t'at energy out if ya want ta join t’e cuddle pile.”[/color] Danni instructed, turning his attention away from a lost cause and instead focusing on the real person that mattered. Danni supported her other side as Dee gently urged her up from the floor. [color=E948FC]“Okay so, I don't know what happened, but remember, we're here and we're always going to be, okay Princess? So you do all the cryin’ you want and I'm goin’ to tell you dumb stories about myself in the meantime.[/color] Danni said cheerily. He gave Dee a wild look, a little concerned because he'd seen Spicy’s teleportations not go as planned and not making it to the room would be a bad. A very, very, very bad and anything [i]additional[/i] might very well end in the dorm not having water for a few days. So he urged the three of them forward, doing his best to curl around her to block the sight of her. [color=E948FC]“Okay, okay, okay - picture t'is. It's 2026. Little Danni just turned five-I know, I know, I was an adorable kid, you've seen my baby pictures. Papa ‘ad a show so ‘e was on stage and little Danni was told ‘e ‘ad t’e run of t'e back of ‘ouse while ‘e waited for Pops ta come pick ‘im up after work. I really didn't but who am I gunna let tell me no? Pops is t’e only one who will and t'en I just ask Papa anyways.[/color] Danni giggled. [color=E948FC]“Anyways, so I definitely go wanderin’ out and about and I find t’is real pretty green boa, like super big, super fluffy, has a little gold sparkle to it. Love it. So I do what all kids do when t’ey find somet’in’ new - I bite it. T’at's when t’e screamin’ started. So, turns put, t’e queen who owned it was a but of a germaphone and it was ‘er newest, favorite boa. I don't really remember what happened after that, Papa claims a shaving cream war, but that's how I earned my first archnemesis. To t'is day, anytime we cross paths, I will always stop everythin’ I'm doin’ to bite t’eir shit just ta fuck wit’ t'em.”[/color]