[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=85CAFF]Janelle Gauger[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/f39acb6f30fe0c82be56bda6f772a572/tumblr_ndmkhdxHHm1twxysvo2_250.gif[/img][hr][b][color=85CAFF]Location:[/color][/b] Lotus Hotel and Casino [color=85CAFF][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/Ahr][hr][/center] Janelle was just about done with all of the group for the most part with regards to them hoping to actually accomplish anything. The people around her seemed to not figure out the simplest of solutions, since sometimes outsmarting your opponents instead of charging in swinging was a better solution in her mind. So why did everyone constantly feel the need to go in swinging without thinking of what they were doing? Nope, because she was surrounded by morons for the most part. [color=85CAFF]"What 'appened is dat you decided to take a swing at me,"[/color] Janelle muttered under her breath with regards to Kristin's question, before paying attention to what else was being said around her. Namely people referring to what she was doing as "quick thinking" which to her was a dumb way to talk about it. [color=85CAFF]"Maybe if people actually used deir 'eads befahre fully chargin in if pahsseble ahthers might actually comb up wit decent ideas,"[/color] she then said out loud to everyone else. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=0072bc]Jason Gauger[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/caf9e07f54d632a4939fe9c679998f2a/b817ce04ff7df58e-9c/s400x600/5aecb4a82eee36b7f6fc62778158db674c23d5d2.gifv[/img][hr][b][color=0072bc]Location:[/color][/b] Sierra Trail [color=0072bc][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Sword Fighting[hr][hr][/center] Things were definitely going out of control with regards to the whole werewolf situation. They definitely seemed a bit out numbered and not doing too well with regards to things on their side of the fight. They kind of seemed to be losing a bit when the monsters decided to try and pounce on all of them. One of them had managed to knock him down to the ground having landed on his back, knocking him down to the ground, making this a really really bad situation. Jason instantly moved onto trying to get the monster off of his back, and luckily managed to throw the thing off. He rolled over and back up onto his feet, grabbing his sword into his hand once again. Without a second thought he swung it and killed the werewolf quickly. Though he started looking for the closest monster to hack at if needed. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=007236]Marygold Isley[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://media.tenor.com/JISCIU8X0QQAAAAC/holland-roden-teen-wolf.gif[/img][hr][b][color=007236]Location:[/color][/b] Sierra Trail [color=007236][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Chlorokinesis[hr][hr][/center] Mary was trying to figure out the best way to figure out what was going on or what to do. They weren't doing the best with this fight and she personally just wanted it to be over. She was kind of just over with the leader sounding like he was being a bit cocky and trying to get underneath Niah's skin in general. Which was honestly was not seemingly making the situation either. Though he was clearly needing to shut up and stop with the whole villain monologuing really. Then came the other issue of the other wolves deciding to pounce on everyone else. Which unfortunately included her as one tackled her to the ground and was trying to choke her. Mary tried to get out of the grip, but wasn't able to, so she switched to a different tactic of trying to summon up vines to toss him up. Her first attempt was not exactly working out for her, but her second attempt resulted in her managing to throw the monster off, allowing her to be able to get up off the ground.