[quote=Magic Magnum] [2]To clarify before I start, I'm one of the people defending suicide as not being a selfish act but rather a potential end result of an illness same as Cancer, heart failure etc.But I do still have to disagree with the logic you are using on the topic of suicide.Suicide = Concious decision to kill yourself because you dislike lifeEuthenasia = Or (while sane & concious) or a Loved one, chooses to end your life after or right before you reach a vegetable state.Criminal Neglect = Finding someone who is mentally ill and leaving them to die.If anything Criminal neglect is to be related to murder, not suicide cause it's not the person whose life is ending having a say in the matter.But even then it wouldn't count as murder if they are being provided for and cared for, it is simply a sad existence. [/quote] Logic, with a deep topic like this. It would take thousands of words to take care of all lose ends. Still with logic, the sentence can be wrong but it is still logical. Like for example: "If the sun rise from the south then it will set in the north." We know that sentence is wrong, but written in a logical format. I do not see the difference between the two. Lets say, we know that person A will die of a natural death on their 100 birthday. Is it just suicide because the person takes their life on their 20 birthday. Or, is in not suicide if they end their life when they are 99 years old? True, we do not know when a natural life comes to an end. With me, you are ending a life early. You talk about someone that is left to die at a nursing home and see it as a crime. Hate to tell you this, it happens each and every day. The flu is a good example, as thousands of people die because of it. Death because of the flu is a natural death. If you are young, and you do have insurance you can get cured. If you are homeless, and you are young the flu should not kill you. True, it can get worse, and in that case they will pick up your body from under the bridge. And society will say, well you should have know better then being homeless. You should have gotten a job when we took away your housing and food stamps. You are dead, that was God's will so never question him. See, someone can take away your Obama Cara, your Food Stamps, and if you die. Well it was not really suicide. We as a society just wanted you dead, so you can say for some people it was assisted suicide just to get votes from people that want their taxes cut. Is that criminal, no. Is that wrong, no. Strange, society only cares about suicide if they feel they could have gained something from the person. What does society say, he was so young. He had his whole life ahead of him. He was so smart he could have done something with his life. He was a great guy. If a drunk that is homeless ends their life in suicide. They will say, oh some homeless guy jumped from a building and caused great damaged to the property below.