[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjgwLmRjZGM5NS5WbVZ5YVhSNUlFaHZiRzFsY3cuMQ/mf-feel-my-heart.regular.webp[/img][/center] [center][img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/TLlf8Yu5YHmK2z8nCw/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47phdwdxqj71tdnnygzbqtfb2q5q7gq72x0q5jmb7o&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img][/center] [center][color=DCDC95]Location:[/color] New York City, Brooklyn Bridge -> Verity's Office [color=DCDC95]Skills:[/color] N/A[/center] [hr][hr] Verity got in her car and sped off, not bothering to look back at the man who hit her. What were the chances she would ever see him again in a city like New York anyway? She got her assistant back on the phone. "What happened? Are you okay?" [color=DCDC95]"I'm fine. Can you set up an appointment ASAP at that mechanic I like? Also bring out a new outfit for me and have it out and ready in my office. Some twerp hit a puddle and got me. Hold calls until I get there."[/color] Trudy agreed and hung up. As she drove, she looked to see some flashing lights from a police car and saw who they had stopped. It was the little puddle splasher. Verity grinned, seeing karma in action. Today just got a bit better. [hr] Verity stormed into her office as everyone who had been standing around not doing anything quickly started moving. Trudy appeared. She was an Asian American woman with long, black hair and red-framed glasses. She handed Verity a coffee as she followed her. "Everything's ready for the board meeting." [color=DCDC95]"Good, I'm going to get changed and ready."[/color] "So someone hit you?" [color=DCDC95]"Yeah some motorcycle asshole. He's lucky I didn't press charges. The damage isn't severe enough and I just wanted to get here and forget about it."[/color] "All right, you have a call on line one. They're the only one that stuck around on hold." Verity sighed as she entered her corner office with an impressive view of New York proper. She saw a garment bag on the side and opened it up, seeing a dark red powersuit with matching heels. Verity shut her blinds and got dressed quickly, putting the sullied clothes in the garment bag to be sent to the cleaners. She sat at her desk and saw that, indeed, line one was still on hold. She picked up the phone and answered, [color=DCDC95]"This is Verity."[/color] [hr] Once she answered emails it was quickly time for the board meeting. She had been prepped for this. She made her way out and towards the elevators. The board members would be waiting. She decided to let them sweat a bit. Made them easier to press and pressure them into what she wanted. Trudy gave her a thumbs up as she pressed the call button.