[center][h2][color=5F9EA0]Isaac bin Kamaal[/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/5743c27f5ec20a32cb9fb44df7560b7e/2bca4021099090ef-a6/s400x600/3ad24ecba51b55da0e91fbf9fa0af6986b7865ec.gif[/img][/center] [center]Location: Central Park Skills: N/A[/center] [hr][hr] [color=5F9EA0]"Do not mention it. Just get something to help with that cough and get better."[/color] Isaac meaningfully said as the homeless left and headed to a pharmacy. It must be something bad if he was coughing up blood, even if it is a small amount, and hopefully, he can find something that will help. Maybe seeing a doctor would be better, and he did some sort of bug spreading around. Maybe that is what the homeless man has, Isaac thought to himself. Maybe he should check in if any of his staff are getting sick. Now with the homeless man gone, Isaac looked down at his watch and seeing how he was good at getting back home at his normal time. He started jogging back to his apartment. This time, taking note of anyone who seems sick or coughing. The last thing he wants is to get sick with whatever is spreading around or worse. It spreading to his staff and customers, and he has to shut down the Twin Seasons. Going through Covid was bad enough as a chief, but now that he is a restaurant owner. It just makes him a bit concerned now after seeing that homeless man. Still, it may not be as serious as Covid and he may be overthinking it, but still. Either way, he just focused on getting back to his place and trying to do the day normally.