I'm not used to having many characters under 15, aside from my one 10 year old OC. Who I may or may not swap with this guy ;-; [b]YEP NO I CHANGED MY MIND[/b] Digi-Destined [u]Name:[/u] Carrie Morris (She does have the nickname of Mumble) [u]Gender: [/u] Female [u]Age: [/u] 10 [u]Description/Picture: [/u] This was specifically drawn for me. Kindly don’t claim as your own <3 [img=http://i.imgur.com/6Yq09.png] [u]Partner: [/u] Monodramon [u]Crest: [/u] ((Torn between Determination and Faith~)) [u]Personality: [/u] She adores Penguins, and spends every penny of her weekly pocket money on anything and everything penguin related that she can find. Her most prized possession is the big Penguin coat her Mother bought her for her eighth Birthday. Mumble (as she has come to be known, because of how much she loves Happy Feet) loves her coat so much that sometimes she even refuses to take it off when she sleeps. She’s excitable (especially when Penguins are involved), and is strong in her resolve, to the point where, when her Mother took her coat off her, she vowed not to speak to her mother until she got it back. It went on for three weeks with her only speaking to her Father (even though she knew it was hurting her Mother alot), until her Mother finally gave in and gave her the coat back. She’s partial to carrying around her favourite plushie, Alfie, too. [u]Background: [/u] When she was Nine, she saw her parents go through a divorce, something she didn’t understand at the time, but she knew it meant she’d have to split her time between both her parents. Her Mother is an office worker, her Father works for a Courier company, and both her parents are still friendly with each other, it was just that they were not well suited to be married. Carrie spends most of her time with her Mother, but whenever she gets annoyed, she goes straight and stays with her Father until her mother apologizes. Digimon (I used a pre-existing Digimon. Sorry! If you want me to create my own I can, just might take a little longer.) [u]Name: [/u] Rookie form is Monodramon, but name will change obviously depending on stage. [u]Digivolutions: [/u] Ketomon – Hopmon – Monodramon – Strikedramon – Cyberdramon - Justimon [u]Gender: [/u] Male [u]Description/Picture:[/u] [img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/099/0/9/Monodramon__s_DigiVolutions_by_SulfuricAcid.jpg] [u]Abilities/Powers: [/u] Bubble Blow - Hop Hip – Cracking Bite/Beat Knuckle - Strike Fang/Strike Claw – Desolation Claw/Cyber Nail - Justice Kick/Trinity Arm/Thunderclap/Voltage Blade/Blitz Arm [u]Personality: [/u] He’s super protective over Carrie and loves her with all his heart. He has no mercy over anyone that tries to hurt her, but if you’re okay with Carrie, he’s a pleasant enough Digimon. As Strikedramon he gets a bit of a cocky attitude. His main goal is still to protect Carrie, but he just goes about it differently. As Cyberdramon and Justimon, he stays very cool and calculated, and doesn't let emotion get in the way too much.