[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] “Is everyone alright?” Adam called out to everyone. Barracker appreciated the check in. He gave a salute and bowed his head to the Druid. [Color=Pink]"That was quite the surprise, was it not? We thought that we were the ambushers but turned out to be the ambushed. This enemy is clever indeed."[/color] Barracker listened to her as he stepped to the nearest body, knelt down and tore part of the robe, to make use of the cloth for later purposes. As the Paladin rose to his feet, MacKensie shot a look at his chest. [Color=Pink]"You are hurt. How bad is it?"[/color] Barracker looked at his chest, blood was seeping through the leather. It felt warm to his touch, it did sting a little but the wound would have to wait until after the mission had been done. [Color=Green]“Thank you for the concern, I will be alright. I will tend to it after the mission is done.”[/color] As Barracker finished talking to MacKensie, the Druid came over. “Barracker, thank you for that barrier spell. It probably saved my life.” Barracker felt good he could be of help. [Color=Green]“I am glad I could be of use and offer some aid, the battle had very heated moments”.[/color] After, he had finished Barracker clasped arms in a warriors embrace with Adam and thanked him in return. The vampire told him how well him and the party did and it was a pleasure to fight alongside the young man. Barracker thought to himself as he looked around towards the members of Second Chance. [Color=Green][i]this is quite remarkable how each member is advancing with their source crystal abilities,[/i][/color] he thought. He had the crystal for years and here they were less than a month in and already close to his level. [Color=Green][i]Each of them will be beyond my capabilities soon enough.[/i][/color] Barracker saw that MacKensie was checking up on James and his wounds. Barracker turned to Adam, [Color=Green]“If this secret passage does actually lead to the ritual chamber, get ready with those acorns to bar the doors. It will hopefully prevent enemy reinforcements from arriving”.[/color]