The books were all still in pristine condition. Like the flyer, they were printed 30 years ago. Some of them are titled "Bones for Beginners, Guide to Emergency Triage, The Discoveries of Bacteria, Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, Magical Codes 101, and How to Diagnose and Self-Sorrect Misaligned Mana Flow. When Roxas tapped her blade against the container's wooden exterior, all she could hear was a small thud as normal. There was nothing unusual about the chest. Just a wooden one decorated with rather lavish trimmings [@Visyn] [center]***[/center] As the scrying spell seeped through, a surge of information rushed out from it in response. The stains were from the blood of an elven man, approximately 28-31 years old when the blood was spilled. The sword was exquisitely made and blessed with strengthening enchantment, and that explained its pristine and sharp condition. [@Izurich]