[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/T7qbbS2.png[/img] [h3]??? — Burnt Town[/h3] [/center] Rayne awoke stiff, having fallen asleep in her armor with her hat tipped over her eyes. In her defense she had had a very, very, very long day, and unfortunately it had not been some kind of dream. The morning sun shining in through the windows of the hunters lodge alone would have made that clear. She was tempted to just lower the brim of her hat to block it, but Sanae‘s words prompted the witch knight to pick herself up to face the day. “I’m up now” she said as she rose into the air, before doing some shoulder stretches and high knees to limber up a bit. Only after that did she join the conversation, sighing that “of course this place also has monsters” in response to the information that there were such things on the prowl, before easily agreeing that “yeah, I’ll help” with regards to dealing with that situation, the thought of saying no not even crossing her mind. What she did have a little thought about, however, was to actually ask a question that had been lost in all the ‘excitement’ of the previous day, which was “what is this place called anyway? This village, the region it's in, things like that” directing said question specifically at the hunters who they were offering to help with dealing with the local monster problem.