[color=silver][center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLjU5NTU1NS5SbVZzYkhkcGJtYy4y/great-vibes.regular.webp[/img] __________________________________________________[/center] As the dragons touched down for a break, Fellwing found herself sighing in relief. She counted herself lucky to have survived the flight at all, much less in such great health. Throughout, she'd debated what would make her plummet from the sky first; a sudden gale or the weight of the awkward atmosphere she'd helped create. As it turned out, neither. The currents had been favourable, so much so that her wings were barely sore despite the distance, and apparently awkwardness could not, in fact, prove fatal. Fellwing took in her surroundings as she stretched her wings, only to spot an older dragon staring at them — at [i]Garrock[/i], rather. She quirked a brow, gaze trailing to the old grump as she pondered on the two's relationship. [color=#595555]"I'm not opposed to a rest, certainly,"[/color] she answered when prompted, turning to her clutchmates who seemed to echo the sentiment. She smiled despite herself at Stargaze's enthusiasm over Kyte's comment, figured Skobeloff's detour must've been part of a new scheme of his, and then glanced back over her shoulder to the old dragon from earlier. [hider=ooc]Fellwing studied the old dragon, and with a [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/26342]7[/url], asks: "What could I learn from you?" (About Garrock)[/hider] [/color]