[hr][hr] [center][color=7FFFD4][h1]Madalyne Crane[/h1][/color] [img]https://media.tenor.com/rCQp7TEyma0AAAAC/hope-mikaelson.gif[/img] [I]Location: NYC, Steps of the Sanctum Sanctorum. Skills: N/A Grimoire: Demon Form.[/I][/center] [hr][hr] [color=7FFFD4]"Well luckily for me I don't know her all that well then."[/color] Madalyne said to Zelma after all she had just met Ananym that night or however long it had been since they all had been in Limbo for. She turned to see that the others were now getting out of the portal they were all covered in glitter which was kind of funny despite everything that was going on all around them. She held the door open for everyone else to get into the Sanctum itself. Luckily it seemed that Jack knew what the ritual was and they didn't have to seek out Wong who was probably out there now in the thick of it all. They needed to repair the Veil between Earth and Limbo right now by the sound of Zelma's urgency they only had a few minutes left before Limbo and Earth merged. Hopefully they would also cut off the demons trying to come through from Limbo which would make dealing with them a lot easier. [color=7FFFD4]"Alright then lets get the ritual started."[/color] Madalyne said as she grabbed Jack's hand and started to repeat the same exact words that Jack was saying. [center][color=7FFFD4]"Through heart and soul of the Fifth Eternity, the world hears my call, Invaders from horizons unbound, and hunters of the frail, In the name of Agamotto, son of Oshtur, the Earth rejects your might, May the Divide of the Cosmos stand tall, and never fall to ruin, Lest we wither and lament the endless war of chaos everlasting. May those who trespass these sacred bounds mourn their fate, And the wicked from lands unseen be banished from whence they came, The land, the sky, and the soul of Life defy the Great Beyond, By decree of the Sorcerer Supreme, none shall trespass upon this Veil!"[/color][/center] [hider=Roll Request]Roll for Mads to help Jack with the spell to repair the Veil.[/hider] [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=cyan]Carolina Reed[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.tenor.com/r_fLaN_9zy8AAAAC/mila-kunis-pretty.gif[/img] [I]Location: NYC, Sanctum Sanctorum. Skills: Divination[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Carolina felt so tired her entire leg felt like it was completely on fire right now, and everything sounded pretty muffled to her as she could see the Sanctum coming close and someone flying up to her. Then the figure grabbing her leg she would let out a loud groan in pain as Max started to heal her wound and just as the pain had came it was all gone and she was starting to feel a lot better now. "Thank you.." Carolina said as she started to land down on the ground meeting up with the others. The moment she landed on the steps of the Sanctum Carolina started to feel very wrong as she quickly grabbed onto the railing of the steps where Max had healed her. The skin along her leg started to turn into a dark red color along with the rest of her body and a pair of horns suddenly appeared on her forehead she had taken on a slight demonic appearance as Carolina looked down at her body, it was really worrying to her. But they needed to work on the task right now with repairing the veil as Carolina slowly walked into the room meeting up with the others as she listened to Zelma and Jack's instructions and joined hands with the others. [color=cyan][center]"Through heart and soul of the Fifth Eternity, the world hears my call, Invaders from horizons unbound, and hunters of the frail, In the name of Agamotto, son of Oshtur, the Earth rejects your might, May the Divide of the Cosmos stand tall, and never fall to ruin, Lest we wither and lament the endless war of chaos everlasting. May those who trespass these sacred bounds mourn their fate, And the wicked from lands unseen be banished from whence they came, The land, the sky, and the soul of Life defy the Great Beyond, By decree of the Sorcerer Supreme, none shall trespass upon this Veil!"[/center][/color] [hider=Roll Request]Roll for Carolina to help with said ritual to renew the Veil[/hider]