Glancing around and doing internal headcount, Engelbert noted that the whole group finally gathered together... or, well, Roxas was still upstairs but he could hear her coming even over the heavy rain, while the quiet foreigner was still close enough to hear him. The mood was generally soggy and miserable, but with a roof over their heads and a roaring fire nearby it'll only improve from here. Provided that no drowned spirits came to crash the party. Clapping twice to garner attention, the metal of the gauntlets rang loud enough against each other through the room. [b][color=#4269E2]"Ahem! As we're finally in one place, shall we do a small reintroduction? It will be good to know each other better since we will be traversing into an infamously dangerous location soon enough. Jolly cooperation and all that, yes?"[/color][/b] The knight-errant glanced around the room for a split second, continuing before anyone can sound an objection. [b][color=#4269E2]"It is only fair for me to start. I am Sir Engelbert, but do call me whatever you're comfortable with. Old man, tincan, or just my name - I do not mind. As you can likely guess, I'm best at the vanguard. Scant few can penetrate my armor, and I'm strong enough that most things that get in range of my sword will likely have a very bad time. And... I believe that is all from old me. Nothing flashy, but it gets the job done."[/color][/b] Once again his gaze fell across the audience, as if encouraging someone to step up after. [b][color=#4269E2]"So! Who's next?"[/color][/b]