[hr] [h2][center][i][color=lightgreen][u]Faline of Evergreen Forest[/u][/color][/i][/center][/h2] [hr] Faline didn't have to wait long for one of these 'others' that Sir Dorian said would be joining her. Before the fiery redhead knew it, a tall man clothed in what appeared to be camouflage of some kind. She listened to his polite greeting and nodded in agreement to his statement of being the first people to arrive. She keenly watched him shuffle to a nearby loveseat sofa and plop himself in it. It was rather impressive how large he was, taking up the entire furniture space. [color=lightgreen]"It is nice to meet you, Torsten. My name is Faline,"[/color] The redhead woman replied, closing her journal and slipping it back into her bag. [color=lightgreen]"Where are you from?"[/color] She asked as she couldn't quite place it, but she felt she could trust the seemingly kind man. It didn't take long for another person to join Faline and Torsten. Faline's jeweled eyes followed the newcomer, studying him. The newcomer was quiet and about the same height as Torsten. Similar to the camouflage-covered man, this new person appeared like could handle himself in a fight if needed. His appearance suggested a wild man of the woods, however, there was something behind those hazel eyes that hinted at something more within the silent expression. [color=lightgreen]"Greetings, newcomer. My name is Faline,"[/color] she spoke to the mystery man by the desk and shelves before turning back to Torsten and the fireplace. Her gaze trailed along the flames dancing about the hearth. [color=lightgreen]"I usually work alone. However, it seems that our host has different ideas."[/color] The wooden door opened again. A petite figure walked into the room and lowered her hood to reveal she was a young lady. The girl had long blonde hair that was light enough that it was practically white—a stark contrast to her flaming red locks. Faline sent an awkward smile and nod to the other woman, who was hanging up her cloak. Another sense of relief and familiarity coursed through the half-Elvian woman as she noted the interesting hue of the petite woman's eyes. There was also something about her Faline couldn't quite pin down.