[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230524/91458118b42d1b084bbaf3d9ea357448.png[/img][/center] He once heard someone say that some doctors in history were forced to operate on themselves because there wasn't anyone nearby to do it for them, at the time he thought it must have sucked for them. Now having been put in that exact situation he could say with certainty that it does, indeed, [i]suck[/i]. [quote=Adam] “Is everyone alright?” [/quote] "Somewhat" He was slowly falling in love with this spell, it was making the itch of healing hit like a firetruck but at least it allowed him to walk without bursting his organs all over the floor. He gave some experimental steps and then some light exercises, they still had a problem to deal with and it would be better for him to know what his body could still do. For a second the lack of blood made him go lightheaded but a hand held his arm before he toppled over. [quote=Mackaroni] [Colour=Pink]"How are you holding up?"[/colour] [/quote] Thank God for Mac. "For the moment? No that good, the spell takes some time to fix everything but at least I am no longer in danger of bleeding out, thanks for asking" He directed a smile at her to show that her concern was appreciated. "What about you? I was distracted for the last part of the fight, do you need healing?" Come to think of it. "Hey! Zell, Kass, come here! I saw you get a nasty hit and there is no reason to not address it now, they likely know we are here so it's better to be on top of our game" He fished more supplies from his medical bag, he would use pure mundane methods but that was better than nothing.