[color=8493ca][h2]Nanashi[/h2][/color] [hr] [quote=@A5G] [i]Engelbert broke the silence, glancing around to find another distraction. He didn't have to look far, settling on the foreigner who seemed content watching everything unfold. [b][color=#4269E2]"Right, my good man, I dont believe I have caught your name? Do introduce yourself, we dont bite."[/color][/b] Another glance spotted a whole bunch of drenched hair and shirt and everything. Engelbert himself had largely dried, the enchantment of the armor repelled unwanted dirt and moisture in equal measure. [b][color=#4269E2]"Ah, you prepared the bath did you not? I believe some of us could make use of it. Thank you."[/color][/b][/i] [/quote] What is his real name again? He tried to recalled it again and as he thought for identifying papers, he remembered his name. A real name that related to his adopted mother, Watanabe Eiko. He been using his alias for so long, he almost forgot what his real name is. [color=8493ca]"My name is Watanabe Takumi. Nanashi was my Shinobi Alias. I came here to bring my elven adoptive mother's ash into her birth land. I can be use for solely intel gathering, scouting, infiltration and sabotaging and assassination."[/color] Takumi replied to Sir Engel[i]bard[/i]. [quote=@Randomguy] [i]The eastern-looking man—seemingly oblivious to the somewhat tense atmosphere—suddenly joined the conversation with a non-sequitur of a warm bath. Something that admittedly sounded pleasant to Carnatia right about now. Carnatia turned to the man, [color=f26522]"I did not expect this dilapidated cottage to have working plumbing. Thank you for informing us, and preparing the hot water, sir...My apologies, I don't think we've been introduced. In any case, it might be a good idea to partake in a warm bath after we have ourselves settled. Though...who exactly were you referring to by 'house guardian'?"[/color][/i][/quote] After with Sir Engel[i]bard[/i]. Takumi turned his head to Carnatia de Luson. [color=8493ca]"A spirit that dwells along with the house dwellers. They are those who protects the home, looking after the entire household spiritually. I couldn't sense the souls of the previous dwellers here. It seems that they already departed into the afterlife."[/color] he replied to the orange haired noble woman with a warmth smile.