After taking some time to think about this little writing project I've started 9 months ago now, I think I am losing a place for it in my weekly life. Between my very unorthodox work and sleep schedule, and the other creative projects I have outside of this site, I unfortunately find myself approaching every Sunday with dread rather than excitement. Taking last week off due to no votes being cast gave me that whole day to realize this, but I decided to give myself today to see how I'd feel about going into it one more time. It's not really a lot of writing in the grand scheme of things, but it's just one obligation too many for me at the moment. So, for these reasons I think I'm going to be placing Adventure Awaits on hiatus for the time being. I'm not at all opposed to resuming in the future, but at the moment I'm just too exhausted after each week and would rather have at least one full day where I can answer to nobody. Thabk you to anyone who's voted at least once in this game. And especially thank you to [@Guardian Angel Haruki] for voting on (I think) every single page since the beginning. Guardian, I know she's still a very generic character, but feel free to use Verity in anything else you do. She might as well be your character at this point.