[center][@Zool][@Loksfjoer][@Saiyan][@Teyao][@Zapdos][@Jay009][/center] [center][i][u][h2]Jon Gringot, The Listener[/h2][/u][/i][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/l6LtscE.jpeg[/img][/center] [center][i][u][h2]Drath'tuthan[/h2][/u][/i][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/CSSBirA.jpeg[/img][/center] The main ritual chamber was a huge room with high ceilings. The pues which had been moved to the walls gave the hint that this room was once used for congregation. Now the massive floor was covered in the Black Speech of the Dark Domain and the devilish symbols of the Oblivion Plane. Bones littered the floor. Blood stained it too. Robes of the sacrified - those who gave their souls to the power of Drath'tuthan, each of them making the Greater Wraith stronger, tethering his presence to the Mortal Plane more permanently. Jon Gringot was stood in the center of a massive six-pointed star, each point marked with candles. He held the hair of his willing victim in one hand, his staff in the other, using his necromancer power to aid the process of Drath'tuthan draining the full life essence from yet another cultist. The victim's hair went white before his skin shriveled up and he died, his body turning skeletal before Jon let it fall to the side. Jon Gringot, The Listener. He was once a mage of mediocre power and priest of the temple, specialising in the legal aspects of the Dark Domain and guiding the surrounding villagers in worship of Hades. Now he was more powerful than he ever could have imagined. He was the first to give in to a year of whispers from Drath'tuthan. His will and conscience was ground down little by little, until he finally allowed the spectre entry into the Mortal Plane and became The Listener, the head of the cult of Drath'tuthan, spreading the wraith's lies about eternal bliss in Hell, using brainwashing and mind domination magic to grow the cult's numbers and influence in the region. Jon did not notice the entrance of Second Chance, at first. When he saw them, he recognized them for what they were. It was only a matter of time before adventurers were sent by The Guild. He did not waste time with words, and casted his prepared spell, [i]Sonic Emission[/i] to sound a loud alarm throughout the temple. The Greater Wraith turned from transparent to very visible. "You never should have come here!" he shouted at them. Jon summoned 12 skeletons from the bones on the floor. Drath'tuthan summoned 4 Lesser Wraiths. Now there was a small army standing in the way of Second Chance and advancing on them. The alarm was loud and soon cultist would be swarming in from the two doors. [b][i]Drath'tuthan began charging powerful magic, and each adventurer would feel the energy swell in the room and know that whatever the greater wraith was doing had to be interupted if they were to survive this battle. Jon would identify James as the dedicated caster of the group and fire a blinding ray at him. The rest of the enemies would do their best kill everyone.[/i][/b]