[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220729/023912a75a8a9b16c801799640a60148.png[/img] [H3]Midgar[/h3][u]Arahabaki ~ Consul Y[/u] [b]Word Count:[/b] 612 [b]Level 7 Roxas:[/b] 48/70 [b]Exp:[/b] 1 [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 49/70[/center] Between Flow Motion and the dash of his StepSword, Roxas was probably one of the most agile and maneuverable of the Seekers aside from those who could straight up fly. So trying to flee from the giant vacuum attack was something he could do at least for a time and it resulted in him being one of the last to finally be consumed by the attack. And yet, that wasn’t the end apparently. He and everyone else awoke in a big white room patterned with geometric lines and shapes. And at the center of it was the Consul. Or at least Roxas [i]assumed[/i] that’s what it was. Some kind of mass of geometric lines surrounding a dark polygonal core, [color=Gold]”Um…”[/color] Roxas stammered, having no idea whatsoever what was going on, [color=Gold]”...Okaaaay.”[/color] He heard Sandalphon’s explanation, something about them needing to fight their way out otherwise they’d get fully consumed along with everything else. Well that at least made things simple. And all of them against this one core thing? Easy! Or maybe not… because that was about when the core thing suddenly summoned a bunch of humanoid figures made up of purple wireframes. [color=Gold]”This seems… weirdly familiar.”[/color] Roxas commented. Was there something in his or Sora’s memories that was tied to what looked like a digital landscape? If there was, Roxas couldn’t recall it clearly. Something about… Bugs and… Datascapes? That part of his time within Sora’s Heart was admittedly pretty fuzzy and… absolutely confusing. But no more time for thinking. The Wireframe enemies were closing in and they were clearly not friendly. But now Roxas’ MP had recharged so he could afford to be more aggressive again. The first cluster of them that came at him were treated to a healthy zap of lightning courtesy of a Thundaga spell. Then Roxas used his StepSword to dash into a flurry of strikes from both energy sword and keyblade alike. That dash was proving to be instrumentally useful in getting around faster, even in a big empty space like this where there were no objects or structures for him to use Flow Motion with. [color=Gold]”Finally!”[/color] Roxas quipped as he finished off a small cluster of Wireframes, [color=Gold]”Enemies I can actually fight back against!”[/color] Sure the situation wasn’t great but honestly the Nobody preferred this over getting bullied by a bunch of invisible Legios he couldn’t touch any day of the week. The Keybearer was able to develop a routine of using StepSword to put himself in the midst of a wireframe cluster only to follow that up with a Thundaga Spell to soften them up. After that they were usually simple enough to finish off with strings of normal attacks. But he didn’t want to just fight wireframes all day long. The Consul’s form was over in the distance and Roxas suspected that the wireframes wouldn’t stop coming until they could actually concentrate their attacks on the thing that was summoning them. With this in mind, Roxas decided not to focus on the wireframes so much. He instead used his StepSword dash in conjunction with what little Flow Motion he could build up to try and work his way closer to the Consul. When he started getting closer, Roxas dispelled his Keyblade in order to free up his right hand to take shots at the Consul with his RockGun. Of course he was still using the StepSword to dash and slash his way through wireframes at the same time. Ultimately he wanted to get close enough to start hacking at the Consul with melee strikes.