[@Estylwen][@Psyker Landshark][@ERode][@AThousandCurses][@Sifr] [b][h3]ASCENDIA, ROOM 103 FOUNTAIN[/h3][/b] As Ciara's sword met Alto's back, another [i]clang[/i] of steel resounded through the woods. His Personal Barrier held firm, crackling like sparks against her strike and preventing injury. He'd stare at her for a moment, a smile on his face - and a glint of [i]something[/i] in his eye, for the briefest blink. In the heat of all this, Chunji's further questions had unfortunately gone ignored. "Brave, truly. But it takes more than that to break my defenses, Ciara," he would whisper. This contact was broken when he heard Iraleth, and turned just in time to see her rush him. Surprise overtook him for a brief moment as the wrist of his sword hand was gripped, followed by one against his throat. His barrier didn't budge even then, but slowly, it would begin to flicker in the places in which Iraleth made contact. As this happened, the bullet by his knee picked up momentum against his PB, seemingly finding purchase amidst the wall it fought against. The instructor stared at Iraleth, a look of recognition plain as day as he gripped against her wrist with his free hand. "An Ethos that grants physical strength, speed, flight and presumably so much more. But it's in its infancy, Ms. Kyrios - and in its current state, the power of an overcharge can match it." His nails dug against her Personal Barrier with physical strength matching or surpassing her own, the benefits of a leyline overcharge clearly being used to grab her. She would feel her own barrier begin to dilute as the grip was maintained, and due to the overwhelming reserves of essence granted by a leyline, it was clear that hers would crack open before his, if it were to continue this way. "And now you're both here with me." Near instantaneously, a wall of vines and thorns would sprout from the ground all around them in a perfect circle before forming a dome containing Alto, Iraleth and Ciara. Immediately upon the formation of this dome, tendril-like thorns would emerge from the walls and hurtle towards both students with spear-like tips trained on them from all sides. In the meantime, Alto's sword hand would begin to resist as well, slowly but surely raising itself towards Iraleth with his sword pointed at her as his other hand continued to pry at her barrier. The instructor would speak, and even from inside the dome, those outside would be able to hear him as he responded to Otis' question, replying, "If you can break through my PB before the overcharge ends, there miiight be something in it for you guys. Remains to be seen. Give it your all, ahaha!" In his mind, Otis would hear a reply from Rio, speaking in a low tone mentally, "All four of my guardian's shields contains a different unique property when struck, but you're not gonna hear from me what those are. As for me, I practice the Four Seasons Fist, though I've only got real experience with the Autumn Stance. I've also got some degree of experience with arcane casting, but not good enough to throw out reverse incantations in the heat of battle, I do know that." Rio remained on guard as he looked towards the thorn dome, slowly regaining feeling in his hand as his barrier reformed around it. Chloe sprinted towards Rio, but upon seeing the state he was in, stopped herself from shouting any cusses at him. Mentally, she'd respond as well, saying, "Hmph. I'll be in this battle until it's over! If I can get but a single finger on the wretch, he'd be a prune in no time! When the brutes fail in their pursuits, you'll be begging me to finish things for you." A flick of her hair and a smirk on her face, all clearly doing the part of hiding the rattled nerves and battle jitters all about her.